I'll Watch Over Her If You Want

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"I don't feel like standing," I moaned into my pillow since I felt sick the night before and vomited through the whole night. "I feel fucking awful,"

"I just feel-feel tired," Troye who was laying down beside me on my bed said. Apparently he climbed unto my bed when he brought me aspirin last night and fell asleep since him and Tyler were busy taking care of me the whole night.

"Can we just move tomorrow?" I desperately asked Tyler, who was half asleep on the floor of the same room.

"We look hungover," Troye said.

I was about to reply but my body was suddenly dragged to a state of sleepiness.

I was awoken by the sound of the doorbell. Well shit. Troye moaned while slapping his foot against my leg, commanding me to open the door.

"You do it!" I whined.

"Tyler!!" Troye whisper-shouted.

"Open the door,"

"What?" Tyler complained while scratching his swollen eyes.

"Open the door," Troye said again, with closed eyes and a tone of annoyance in his voice.

"Fine! I'm coming!!" Tyler shouted, his voice echoing through the small flat.


The door opened and Tyler cocked his messy face out.

"Aren't you well," Zoe said. "What happened?"

Tyler, supposedly half asleep, let us in and said with a groggy voice, "Awake all night. Paige sick. Won't be able to go to flat today. Resting all day. Very sorry."

"What?" Zoe asked, asking for clarification. "Paige is sick?"

I walked across the tiny lobby to find three doorways. I walked across all of them to find Paige and Troye sleeping on the bed at the room farthest to the me.

I walked inside the room, trying my best to keep my footsteps quiet so I won't wake Paige and Troye. Zoe trailed behind me with Tyler.

"Paige felt dizzy last night. She started throwing up and having migraines. We took care of her all night." Tyler said.

At Tyler's last word, Troye woke up.
"Oh hey guys," Troye greeted in his morning voice with a sheepish smile.

"Is Paige alright?" I asked, feeling concerned. Her head was buried onto her pillow but her hair was still perfect. Her skin was very pale and I could hear her heavy breaths.

"She woke up awhile ago, said she thinks she'd be too weak to transfer flats." Troye started talking, which surprisingly made me sad since I was looking forward to spending more time with her. Because of-you know-cuz of youtube stuff and all that whatnot.

"Well, Caspar would be disappointed." Zoe said. "He was looking forward for their collab video ever since last night."

"Aww poor Caspar," Tyler cooed.

"Well, I thought we were going to have a collab today," Zoe asked Tyler and Troye. "Troyler plus Zoe?"

"We could actually do it now," Troye suggested.

"Yeah, go ahead." I said. "I could watch over Paige while you do your video if ya want,"

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