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That Saturday morning, the migraines and headaches haunted me once again. I felt sick as I rolled in my bed, looking for a comfortable position.

"Are you sure you can handle yourself alone?" Zoe asked, zipping up her boots since they were going out for breakfast.

I put up a thumb to say yes and then heard her go out of the room, leaving me the only person left in the house -or so I thought.

I woke up an hour later, and thankfully the migraines have disappeared, leaving only traces of headache. I decided to jump out of bed and eat since there's nothing food can't fix.

As I stood up I noticed a tray on Zoe's bed. It had a full breakfast meal and a note saying, "Get well". I was genuinely touched that Zoe would be thoughtful enough to leave me breakfast in bed.

I finished eating the food she prepared for me and then headed downstairs. To my surprise, Joe was sitting on the couch, playing some fifa.

"Good morning," I greeted from behind him. "I thought you were with Caspar and the others?"

He looked at me as I walked to sit beside him. "Oh hey! Good morning."

"Why aren't you with the others?"

"Didn't feel like going out for breakfast so I stayed for extra sleeping time," He answered, putting down his controller and facing me.

"I'm sorry about our little breakfast special that we were supposed to have today," I said, feeling quite guilty.

"Nah, it's alright." He said and I wasn't convinced since he said it with an "it's okay" tone but I didn't buy it because he seemed a bit low.

I scooted over to him and gave him a hug on his waist. I held on tightly, saying, "I'm really really sorry. I'm actually quite bummed since I was looking forward to it. We could have breakfast some other time,"

He looked down at me since I was hugging him at his waist area. I purposely bat my eyelashes at him and pursed my lips. He laughed. "Oh don't do that," He said.

I sat up. "Do what?" I asked.

"Be all adorable with your eyes and your lips and whatever," He said, making me blush like a red tomato.

"Oh don't do that,"

"Do what?!" Joe asked, a smile on his face.

"Stop making me blush you little shit," I jokingly said.

He laughed. I then faced the television screen and asked him to teach me how to play fifa since I have never played it -I know I'm such a loser. He handed me the controller and with his arm snaked around my back, resting on the couch, he thought me how to play fifa until I was addicted to it and didn't want to give the controller back to him.

Joe and I were in our fifth -maybe sixth- game in fifa when we heard the door being opened. He paused the game and I stood up to see who it was.

"You feeling well now?" Troye asked as he walked towards me and pressed his palm to my forehead as if he was my mum.

"Yep mum," I said. "Just another migraine episode,"

"You know you should get your head checked out," Joe shouted from the couch with a tone of worry.

"Tried to tell her that so many times before but she doesn't like going to the doctor," Tyler said as he entered with the others and I sat back down the couch beside Joe.

"Let's continue," I said, eager to beat him at another round of fifa.

"How's your head, Paige?" Zoe asked.

"All good now," I replied.

"How about you Joe, how's your head?" She asked and I was surprised since Joe didn't mention anything about feeling dizzy or even a headache.

Joe looked at me weirdly then looked at Zoe and said, stuttering quite a bit, "I -my head's alright now,"

"You didn't mention anything about feeling sick," I said, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Didn't I?" He said. "I must've forgotten,"


"Almost forgot," I said. "Foundation,"

I ran back to Zoe and I's room to get some foundation since Joe and I were doing a video wherein I do his makeup for my channel.

I walked inside the room to find Zoe, Troye, Tyler, and Marcus having a chat.

"Oh hello Paige," Marcus greeted.

"I thought you were doing a video with Joe?" Zoe asked.

"Yes, yes I am," I replied. "I'm just going to grab my- aha!" I found my foundation inside my bag since I remember I had brought it out my make up kit for some reason.

I turned around to walk back to Joe's room when I remembered something.

"Oh and Zoe," I said. "Thanks for the breakfast in bed,"

She looked at me, confused. "What breakfast in bed?"

"The one you left on your bed for me," I answered, questioning myself weirdly if I had just imagined a tray on Zoe's bed this morning, but I know I hadn't.

She exchanged looks with the others weirdly. "Zoe didn't cook breakfast in bed for you," Tyler said. "I was with her the whole morning, including when you were asleep and we were about to leave,"

"Then who prepared it?" I asked, now confused.

"Oh maybe you have a fairy godmother!!" Troye exclaimed, earning laughs from all of us.


I was waiting for Paige in my room, checking if the lighting was alright and if the camera was turned on and if it had sufficient batteries. I had just finished readjusting the lighting when Paige suddenly jolted into my room.

I faced her direction and was greeted with a big hug from Paige. "You like hugs don't you," I said.

"Yep I do," She answered, her arms still around my neck while she stood on her tippy toes while my arms were laced around her too.

"Thanks for the breakfast in bed," She whispered.

She lowered her feet to the floor, but her hands were still around my neck. She was smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back since she appreciated what I did for her.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"At first I thought it was Zoella," She said. "But then they said no one cooked food this morning so you were kind of the only one left,"

I smiled. "Well I hope you liked my cooking,"

"It was horrid," She joked as she let go and sat on my bed in front of the camera, ready to film.

"One more thing," She said as I sat beside her. "You know you didn't have to pretend you were sick so you could cook breakfast for me you know,"

I was shocked. I didn't think she'd get that part but she did. She's smarter than she seems. "What do you mean pretend I was sick?" I asked as if I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Oh you know exactly what, Suggy," She said in an accent that kinda sounded like Miranda Sings', tilting her head slightly. She smiled, now serious, and then said, "But really, thank you. No guy has been nice enough to me that they're willing to pretend their sick just to whip me up some breakfast in bed."

"You haven't had much nice boyfriends haven't you?" I asked without even thinking. And I regretted it because as soon as I said it she was trying to hide a look of sadness and she wasn't very good at hiding it.

"I'm sorry," I said, guilty. "I didn't know you had shit boyfriends or something,"

She managed to let out a laugh and it was genuine. "Yep," She said. "I did,"

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