I just don't do youtubers

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Caspar's POV

"I promise I'll take care of her," I said as I hugged Joe and bid them farewell to the airport. I didn't come along with them anymore since I needed to film a video with a guest that was coming over soon.

He designated me as Paige's caretaker. The night before, Joe had talked to me sincerely and privately about Paige and it was there that I realized how much Joe really loved her. I wasn't quite sure yet whether it was just one of his hook ups or commitments out of boredom but now I was.

"She's very fragile at the moment. Comfort her as best as you can, alright?" He asked of me and I told him that I'd do the best that I can.

As I waited for the guest to arrive for my video, I browsed through the list Joe gave me of the food, movies, and things that Paige likes and loves to do. About half of it was from Troye and half of it he learned himself.

Like a student, I had to familiarize myself with it and I learned that she loved playing chess but only liked playing checkers. She loves the signature hot chocolate in Starbucks so I should get her some when she's sad or in any chance I have. He promised to pay me back when he returns. I learned that she loves dogs so I should take her to the dog park if she's bored but keep her away from cats since she's annoyed by those. Every morning, Joe gave me the task to play Christmas songs or throwback songs that were her favorite so she starts her morning feeling good. Tomorrow morning, I was tasked to play Dancing In The Moonlight while on the next morning, the note required me to play Blue Christmas. He even wrote a side note saying: She's in love with Michael Buble's voice. Sometimes I get jealous but what can I do. I'm only better than Connor not Michael Bublé.

I was getting myself immersed in the note he left, amazed at how much love and thought he put into it. It was a side of him I rarely saw.

The doorbell rang. Eva was here. I gave her a quick hug and then we filmed videos for both of our channels. When it was time to film hers, the sound of keys resounded and Paige came into the living room where we were.

"Hey," I said. She looked up and then noticed Eva immediately.

"You didn't tell me Eva was coming," She said and rushed over to give her a hug.

"I did. I said I had a guest coming over,"

"Yeah but you didn't say it was Eva," She said.

"Does it matter?" I asked.

"Yep." She said and then whispered to my ear teasingly, "I could've bought you a condom,"

"HEY!" I snapped. She laughed and then waved Eva goodbye as she ran downstairs. I couldn't help but laugh myself although Eva was close to me with no idea about what Paige had whispered. Eva was just a friend though. I wouldn't hook up with her. I just don't do fellow youtubers.

We finished filming the videos. Eva, Paige, and I were eating some trail mix Eva had brought when the two of them had the idea to go shopping.

"Should we?" Paige asked.

"We should." Eva answered.

"Fine," Paige agreed.

"You coming?" Eva asked me and for some dumb reason I agreed to accompanying them while they went shopping as their personal assistant. Joe better pay me for this.


I don't fucking know how girls are able to shop. It's a form of exercise I swear to God and it's tiring as fuck. By the end of the trip, I had about 5 shopping bags on my hands - all Eva's. Paige persistently refused my offer to carry her bags, insisting that I carry Eva's instead.

After a while, Eva had to go back to her hotel, leaving Paige and I to wonder around and shop. "Do you wanna do a video?" She asked me all of a sudden. "Do you have your camera with you?"

"Yeah. I always do." I answered.

"I buy clothes for you and you buy clothes for me," She said. "I've always wanted to do that with Joe but we're already at a mall and I don't see why we can't do that. Are you up for it?"

I thought about it for a second. "Joe's probably gonna get jealous. You know him," I said.

She sighed and then smiled at the thought. "Hmm you're probably right," She laughed.

After we ate dinner, the two of us headed home together. Since I sorta turned down her idea of the collaboration shopping video, I volunteered to be the guest of another video.

"You're gonna do a haul video with that right?" I asked and she said yes. "Right now?"

"Hmmm not sure, why?"

"Why don't we film a haul video but I get to describe and guess the things you bought," I suggested spontaneously and she agreed.

We spent the next two hours filming a haul video. After it, I learned the difference between platforms ans stilettos as well as denim button downs and denim jackets. Chambray was another new word my dictionary picked up as well. I also learned that girls like putting "tank tops" or whatever you call those lace, silk strap shirts over plain shirts. I don't get it. But that was the least of my worries.

I learned to appreciate girls' clothes. I realized how much I liked sweatpants on girls especially when Paige held one up and pointed out that sweatpants are really good in the ass. After that, I appreciated every girl I hooked up with who I saw wearing sweatpants. They do look good. More than that, I appreciated Paige and I realized just how beautiful she is.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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