Dirty Blonde

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"I'm so sorry we weren't able to film a collab video," I said as sweetly as possible while hugging Caspar.

"Nah, it's okay," He said rather gloomily, making me very guilty.

"Luckily, I brought you pizza!!!" I shouted, pointing to three boxes of pizza on the kitchen counter that I bought for missing out on our collab.

He looked at the pizza boxes, looked back at me, then squeezed my face between his hands, and said "I.Love.You.Paige Bradley.". He then ran towards the kitchen counter, where Jim, Marcus, Joe, Troye, Tyler and Alfie had already assembled themselves.

I sat down the couch next to Zoe who was talking about the newly released Michael Kors bag with Tanya.

"Caspar sure loves pizza," I stated.

"Yeah, he does." Zoe said.

I turned to Joe who was eating pizza beside Marcus and mouthed the words Thank You since he was the one who suggested that I'd get Caspar some pizza so he won't get mad.

"Hey Paige," Tanya called my attention.

I turned my head towards the direction of her voice and away from Joe's face, "Yeah?"

"Do you and Joe have a thing for each other?" She asked with a mischievous grin on her face.

"N-n-no, of course not!" I countered.

She tilted her head slightly in a don't-lie-to-me look.

"Really!! Nothing's going on,"


It was fast approaching midnight but no one felt sleepy, that included Caspar. He managed to persuade Paige to make two videos that night -one for Caspar's channel and one for Paige's channel.

Since Marcus, Jim, and Alfie were busy planning a video collab and I had no one else to join -unless you want me to join Tanya and Zoe's blabbering about some bag or to join Tyler and Troye upstairs doing whatever-I decided to help set up for Caspar and Paige's collab.

We set up the cameras and the lights at Caspar's room and started filming. It was a Would You Rather video and I was the one tasked to go through and read through the #PasparWouldYouRather tag.

"Hello everyone!" Paige began. "Today I'm with the one and only Caspar Lee! Caspar spelled with an "a" not an "e"."

Caspar gave them a wave, discussed what they were gonna do, and soon enough I was reading fans' tweets on twitter.

"Joe, let us start!" Paige signaled.

"From @ snugglePaige, would you rather have butts on your eyes or eyes on your butts?" I recited.

"Well I think Caspar would want to always have butts on his eyes, isn't that right Caspar?" Paige said while chuckling.

Caspar hesitated but then agreed. "I think it would be cool to have eyes on your bum though. You know, cuz you see how your poo slides out of your butthole,"

Paige and I looked at each other, surprised and disgusted at the same time by his answer.

"What the fuck, Caspar?" I questioned.

"I actually think that would be quite cool," Paige said.

I looked at her with an I-thought-we-were-in-this-together look. "Joseph Sugg! Quit flirting and just read the damn question." Caspar shouted in that irritated and high pitched tone we all know.

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