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We arrived at the house at 9pm after eating dinner at a restaurant which I forgot the name of. Troye and I raced to the nearest bed which was the ones in Tanya and Jim's room on the first floor.

We laid down for awhile and talked about a collab we were planning to do.
"Oh shit," I said as Troye mentioned something about Caspar. "Caspar said we'll make his video today. Wait here, I'm just gonna look for him,"

I dashed out of the room and went upstairs to look for Caspar. I found him sleeping in his room.

"Hey Caspar," I whispered, trying to see if he'd wake up. "Casparrrr,"

He didn't move. "He's a deep sleeper," Joe said, appearing from behind me as always. I walked out to the hallway where he was standing and walked with him towards our rooms.

"I guess we're doing the video tomorrow," I said. "I guess I'll head out to sleep,"

"We could watch a movie in my room if you want," He suggested since all the other youtubers are either asleep or about to sleep too.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Aren't you tired or -or sleepy?"

"Nah, I'm cool," Joe said, opening the door of his room and gesturing for me to go in.

"Of course you are ," I replied, jumping into his bed.

He grabbed his laptop and earphones and climbed unto bed with me. We placed ourselves under the covers, the laptop sitting half on his lap and half on mine.

"What's your favorite movie?" He asked as he types the password of his macbook.

"Hmmm...Either White Chicks or 21 Jump Street," I answered.

"She's into comedy aye," Joe said as if informing himself.

We then watched White Chicks on his laptop.

"Have you ever watched this before?" I asked him as the opening credits played.

"No, not really," Joe answered. "I have heard of it though,"

"Well then, now you're going to wactch it," I said, to which he gladly smiled.

Fifteen minutes into the movie we were both laughing our asses off. Although I've watched this movie a hundred times already, I still laughed since I found it very funny.

I looked at him, noticing how little wrinkles would appear beside his eyes as he laughed.


I turned to face her, not knowing that she was previously looking at me. She smiled and I smiled back, saying,
"Nice movie choice,"

"Thanks," She said. "Movies like these are where I get my sense of humor,"

"I didn't think you had one," I joked.
She then grabbed the pillow her back was previously resting on and then slapped me with it.

"Kwanker," She called me.

"Kwanker?" I laughed, dodging the pillow. "What the hell is a Kwanker?" I asked, laughing.

She stopped hitting me with her pillow. "Isn't that what English people call people acting like dicks?" She cluelessly asked.

I laughed so much I leaned back and bumped the back of my head on the headboard of my bed.

"Oh so you mean I'm a dickhead?" I asked. "It's wanker by the way," I corrected.


"Wanker," I repeated, putting emphasis on the letter "w". "Dickheads equal to Wanker. No K,"

"Really?" She asked, thinking I was joking.

"Really!" I said in a trust-me tone.

She cupped her face with both her hands. "I've always heard my dad say it as Kwanker," She said.

I laughed again. "Why would your dad say Wanker, isn't he an American like you?"

"My dad's British but I grew up in America," She said with hesitation in her voice, signaling that she didn't like talking about her family. I nodded then we both focused our attention on my laptop's screen and continued watching the tv.

I guess tiredness had hit her midway through the movie since I felt her head leaning on my shoulder. Since she was already asleep and I felt my eyes lowering a bit already, I closed my laptop and then placed it on the desk beside my bed, careful not to wake her.

I gently picked her up and carried her to their room that was just beside mine.
Her hands were wrapped around my neck, and I felt kind of happy about it.

"Zoe!" I whisper-shouted. "Zoe!"

I couldn't knock on the door since I had her in both of my arms so I used my head to knock on the door. I am so weird. I wouldn't be surprised if I'd wake up tomorrow with a red forehead.

Finally, the door opened.

"Joe," Zoe said, scratching her eye. "Why are you carrying Paige?"

"She fell asleep on my shoulder while we were watching a movie on my laptop," I said, earning a sleepy yet mischievous grin from Zoe.

She let us in and immediately pointed to Paige's bed. I put her down gently and tucked her in the covers while Zoe jumped on her bed again.

As I walked towards the door, Zoe said sheepishly, "You done good, Joe. You done good,"

I smiled to myself and then greeted her good night, closing the door and going back to my room, finding myself not able to sleep once again.

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