The Plan

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When Alfie arrived with takeaway Nando's, all of us stopped what we were doing and immediately assembled ourselves around the dining table. I sat beside Paige of course while Zoe and our dad sat across the two of us and Alfie and Caspar sat at the ends of the table.

As Paige ate delightfully, I smiled and we all laughed at how she loved Nando's -something very common in our British lives. After eating, everyone was so full and lazy to film a video so we decided to reschedule it to tomorrow morning. Caspar, Paige, and I, having had to travel two hours to get to Brighton were very exhausted.

It was already midnight when Caspar literally announced to everyone that he wanted to sleep.

"I'll take Zoe's room," He said, grabbing his bag then walking like a zombie towards what he referred to as Zoe's room. It wasn't technically Zoe's room since it wasn't where she slept, but it was the room where she filmed all her channel videos so Caspar dubbed it as her room.

The rest of us, including dad, were gathered at the living room, some of us talking while some of us were watching television. "You sleepy?" I whispered to Paige who was beside me. We were seated beside each other on the couch and I had restricted myself to place my arm around her since dad was in the same room as us.

"Nah I'm fine," She said, but I could tell from her voice that she was tired. Her voice gets deep and raspy when she's either tired or sleepy so I took it as a sign to take her to bed.

"Zoe," I called her attention.


"Paige needs to sleep," I said and Zoe understood right away. She stood up, then gestured for Paige to stand up. The two of them made their way to Paige's designated room for the night. "I better sleep as well," I said, standing up with Zoe and Paige.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked, his eyebrow raised in all seriousness.

"To go and get my stuff," I answered monotonously, not making a big deal out of the simple act of standing up, unlike what my dad was peculiarly doing right now.

"Where are you gonna sleep?" Dad asked weirdly.

"In a room," I said with a duh tone to it.

"In which room?" Dad asked and I was tired of his simple questions. Just as I was formulating a sarcastic reply, I had realized his concern and I laughed. "I mean...there are only four rooms and if Caspar has one, Zoe and he (referring to Alfie who was in front of him) has one, Paige has one, and I have one, where will you sleep?"

Alfie, who was seated on the couch across dad, chuckled and said, "Don't worry, we'll make sure he'll sleep where he's supposed to,"

"Don't worry dad, I'll sleep on the couch," I said.

"You goddamn twat better do," Dad said, standing up then heading to his room.

Alfie and I were left at the living room. "I'm already an adult but I can't sleep in the same room with a girl," I whined and Alfie laughed.

"It's probably 'cause you haven't introduced a girl to him in ages," Alfie said and he was probably right since dad had no problem letting Zoe and him sleep in the same room together but he was hesitant to have me sleep with Paige. But then again, Paige and I aren't in a relationship like Zoe and Alfie.

Alfie gave me a fluffy comforter and a pillow. I took off my shirt then positioned myself on the bed, phone in hand. As I browsed through twitter, everything was quiet. Everyone had settled in their rooms to sleep. The couch wasn't the only thing unsettling. It was the fact that Paige was sleeping in a separate room and I couldn't stop thinking of going there and wishing her a good night.

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