End Up Here (Kisses)

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Gotta admit the title's named after a 5SOS song so if youre a part of the 5SOS family, leave a comment below :) Anyways, love you all and thanks for reading this far!


I woke up once again to be greeted by Joe's jawline. I sat up, rethinking what had happened last night but not getting any memory of how I got there.

I started freaking out a bit since I was afraid people may think something happened between us - I don't even know if something did.

I turned to face Joe who was still sleeping soundly. He was shirtless and I couldn't help but admire his physique. A few seconds later I realize I was wearing his sweater from last night. Oh this is a bad position.

As I was about to creep slowly to my room, Joe moved a bit then fluttered his eyelashes as he opened his eyes.

He flashed me a sheepish smile. "Good morning,"

I wiped the freaked out look on my face. "Good morning,"

He sat up. "Uhm, how'd I end up here?" I asked hesitantly. He smiled and fiddled with his hair, and I couldn't help but blush since he looked real hot.

"Did we?"

He let out a little laugh. "No. Don't worry we didn't....we didn't. As much as I would love to, we didn't," He joked and I took his pillow and slapped him with it.

"You cheeky little bastard," I said as I lay down on his bed again and crawled inside the covers with him. "Then why are you shirtless?"

"I sleep this way," Joe answered. "I promise I created a distance between you and I to make sure you won't feel uncomfortable," I stared him down, trying to read him and figure out if he was telling the truth.

"I swear I put a pillow in between the two of us last night! I don't know how we ended up- ended up facing each other and being so close and..."

I cut him with my laughter since he was struggling to explain and to prove his innocence.

"How'd I up here though?"

"You fell asleep on my shoulder and I carried you upstairs,"

"To your room?" I asked.

"Yep," He said quite confidently. "I mean... I was supposed to take you back to your room but Alfie and Zoe had already taken the beds,"

I grunted and place my forehead against his bare shoulder. "Ughh, I feel so embarrassed,"

"Why?" He said, chuckling.

I now turned my head to place my cheek against his bare shoulder. "I slept with you,"

"Well technically you didn't," He said.

"Well technically you did," He added and I laughed. "It's nothing to be ashamed of Bradley. I'm quite a good looking guy, right?"

"Yeah and a cocky one too," I joked.

I stood up and headed for the door, not bothering to take his sweater off me or tell him to put on a shirt.

"Wait," He called, still shirtless and his hair still gorgeously messy but I don't know why I needed to point that out.

I faced him. "Can you stay for a while? I have to tell you something,"


This was the moment. We were both alone and there was this feeling in my gut, encouraging me to speak my mind.

"What is it?" She asked as she sat down on my bed in front of me.

I mustered all the courage I had and tried my best to talk as seriously yet confidently as possible, hoping my voice wouldn't crack.

"Umm...I know we've only known each other for less than two weeks and I know we haven't technically gone out on a date or anything but I just gotta tell you that...that.."-0

"That what?" She asked.

"That...that..that I," I stuttered and she seemed restless.

"Is this a joke or some-" I planted a peck on her lips and she was shocked. I thought it would be better if I just kissed her straight away rather than trying to tell her and stuttering so much.

"What- Why..."

"I like you," I said, followed by a sigh of relief than a sudden fear of rejection.

She didn't look confused or frightened. She just stared at me with a smile and cheeks turning red. She didn't say anything. She just stared at me as I stared at her too, hoping for some answer even though I didn't ask any question.

I talked to break the silence. "I know Caspar already told you that I liked you but I was kinda hoping if I could inquire about if you like...me too," I said with a slight smile while stroking my hair then the back of my neck since that's what I do when I get nervous.

She laughed and then smiled. "What?" I asked, fear and restlessness overtaking my whole being.

"Nothing. It's just...I don't know. I like you too," She answered, sending charges of relief throughout my body.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God," She laughed at me cutely.

"I definitely feel something for you. And I've been trying to ask my brain for answers but nothing seems definite to me yet,"

"It doesn't have to be definite. Nothing's really certain. Sometimes I just tell myself to go with the flow and see how things go," I said and I was both surprised and proud of myself for uttering those words of advice.


Paige and I decided to keep our whole "thing" secret. I couldn't help but smile to myself as the two of us walked downstairs together and ate some breakfast.

Oddly, only the two of us were awake so we decided to try to be as quiet as possible to not wake the others.

She was seated next to me. We were eating some bacon and eggs when suddenly, I built up the nerves to ask her personal questions and questions that may possibly get me hurt.


"Yeah?" She turned to me.

"Does you liking me and me liking you allow me to kiss you?" I asked playfully and jokingly, not expecting a serious answer. "I mean I already kissed you but-"

"Maybe," She said with a playful tone too.

"I'm not too fond of kisses. I've received a lot of them, but few real ones," She said seriously but still with her signature smile. I didn't expect her to tell me such a personal thing but she was very open to me and that was something I liked about her.

"So if I kiss you now, will it matter?" I asked, being cautious about my words but being playful at the same time.

"Kiss me when you know you love me," She answered. "And maybe...maybe I'll kiss you back,"

A/N: I'm still recovering from 1K reads tbh thank you all so much for reading this far!! xxx If this story gets 5K ++ reads once it's finished I'm gonna upload a sequel so yay thank you all guys i love yall so much don't forget to comment below 💖💖


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