Meet Again / End Up Here Again

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Two months without hearing her voice through the phone or in person. Two months without receiving a message. Two long months where I was left in utter hopelessness.

"Are you ready?" Caspar asked and I nodded as I finally got to put my dracula fangs in my mouth.

"Are we the only ones not there yet?" I asked Caspar.

"As usual," He replied.

"We better get going then,"


We drove to the annual halloween party hosted by Snapchat in London where a load of youtubers gather and mingle with each other. I was dressed up in my dracula costume whilst Caspar was in his skeleton suit with no pee hole and he was kind of bummed about that because it was such a struggle for him to pee. On my part, I was bummed because Marcus also had a dracula costume on and his was much better than mine so I was dubbed "the lesser dracula".

"What took you so long?!" Tanya asked as she and Jim walked towards Caspar and I and gave us big hugs.

"Caspar had to take a shit before we left," I answered jokingly although he did go number 2.

"Everyone's here you know," Tanya said as she guided us to where the others were. Zoe, Marcus, Niomi, and the others were standing/dancing near the bar, a bit from where people were really raving and jumping up and down.

They all greeted Caspar and I, asked us what took us so long to which I all replied that Caspar took a long shit, and all gave us welcoming hugs.

A few minutes after we started mingling with other people and started getting comfortable, Connor and Troye arrived. They flew in from Australia and were to stay in London for three weeks.

"I misses you all!!" Troye practically screamed as he and Connor hugged each and everyone. Troye hugged me last and as he pulled away he said, "So how'd it go?"

"What did go??" I asked, confused.

"Did Paige tell you everything?" He asked, which simultaneously made me feel confused and nervous.

"What do you mean?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows involuntarily in confusion and eagerness to learn more.

Troye's face turned worried. "Shit." He said, as if annoyed at himself. "You don't know, do you?"

"Know what?!"

"Shit," By know Troye had his palm on his forehead in frustration. Suddenly, he frantically started looking around as if someone at the party was gonna murder him.

It was when our eyes met after glancing around weirdly for a few seconds that I realized what he was talking about. "No." I said, my heart starting to pick up speed. "She can't be-She can't be here,"

Troye bit his lip. "Well," He sarcastically implied.


"I thought you two had already seen each other and made up," Troye said. "I mean I did approach her before coming to you and she told me she had talked to you,"

I grew even more puzzled. "But she didn't."

I didn't know what came over me but I knew something was going on. I started to look around frantically like what Troye did awhile ago. "Where is she?" I asked hurriedly.

"Near the middle of the dance floor with Alexa,"

I swiftly rushed to the dance floor and made my way through the dancing and screaming crowd. Luckily, it wasn't one of the biggest crowds I've ever squeezed and been in so maneuvering was easy for me.

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