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"Wait," I said, suddenly coming to a realization. "I thought you and Caspar were going back to your house already. Why'd you come back?" I asked.

Joe hesitated. "Well, Caspar to-

"Joe!" A voice screamed from outside the hotel room. Joe and I have been awkwardly talking to each other for the past five minutes when Caspar and Alexa arrived. "We need to film a video with Will and Oli remember?! It's almost 1 and we're gonna be late!" Caspar screamed.

Joe had an embarrased, disappointed, and annoyed look on his face though I don't know how it's possible to simultaneously seem embarrassed, disappointed, and annoyed at the same time. "Caspar," He sighed then stood.

He extended his arm towards me, offering to help me up. I hesitated slightly then took it and it was nice to feel his hand again although the moment was only brief. "Say hi to Will and Oli for me," I said as we walked side by side towards the door.

He opened the door and there stood Caspar and Alexa, energetically talking to each other. "Hey," I said.

"How was the heart to heart conversation?" Caspar asked. "Was it...eye-opening?" He said with exaggeration.

"Yep," I said. "My eyes were totally opened to your dickhead-ness," He laughed then we hugged each other, not getting the chance to do so awhile ago.

"I missed you Bradley," He said as he lifted me up then put me down -our signature hug.

"I missed you too Caspar," I said as he let go of me.

Alexa and Joe exchanged places, this time Joe was beside Caspar and Alexa was standing just in front of the door to our room. "We have to go," Caspar said as if it wasn't obvious.

What was obvious other than they needed to go was that Joe had a low look on his face. "I guess I'll see you soon," Joe said whilst looking at Alexa then looking at me.

"We'll see you both as well," Alexa said. Joe flashed me a slight smile as he turned around and when I was about to smile at him too, he had already turned around and Alexa had already gestured for me to go back inside our hotel room.

I followed her inside and lay down on my bed. "So? What happened? What did you talk about?" Alexa asked as she sat near the edge of my bed.

"Nothing," I said. "Stuff,"

"What kind of stuff?" She eagerly asked.

"Well, he said he still liked me too," I answered silently Alexa almost didn't hear. "No big deal,"

"No big deal? You both admitted to each other that you still like each other! How is that not a big deal?!" She asked frustratedly and excitedly.

I didn't answer. I was too busy replaying the recent events in my head over and over again. "Poseph is back," Alexa repeatedly said while cheering. "Poseph is back. Poseph is back!"

"You know, I never did like that ship name," I admitted.

"How about....Suggley?" She suggested and I laughed. She looked at me with a grin. "You like it, don't you?"

"Maybe a little bit," I answered.

"You like HIM, don't you?" She asked even though she already knew the answer and she asked it purely to reiterate that fact that I liked Joe.

Instead if saying the obvious, I diverted from the topic. "How about you and Caspar? What did you talk about?" I asked her. "What food did you get and why didn't you bring me some?" I added.

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