Again and Again

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Joe woke me up. I felt warmth on my cheek after he planted a kiss on it and wrapped his arms around me excitedly, squeezing me tightly, forcing my eyes to open and my mind to leave the pleasure of sleep.

"Good morning," He greeted, a huge smile on his face. I greeted him back. "Come on now. Rise and shine. Whipped out something special for you,"

I grunted and groaned to express my laziness. I didn't want to leave the bed since normally, I'd have ten to twenty minutes all to my mind, staring on blank walls, before I have the energy to stand up and do something.

He sat up. "Come on now sleepy head," He said, tapping my hip several times, urging me to come upstairs.

I hid under the comforters. "One more minute please," I said. I expected him to leave and come back after approximately ten minutes but he didn't leave. He pulled the comforter down, revealing my face, and spooned me, nuzzling his chin on my shoulder sideways. I closed my eyes, thinking that he had given in and the two of us would be sleeping together once more but after approximately 60, Joe pulled the comforter and urged me to stand up again.

I sat up, giving in to his request then I spread my arms as if I were asking for a hug. He stood up - just to mention, he's still shirtless - then put me on his back, giving me a piggy back ride.

"You're such a lazy ass," He said as he started walking out of his room.

"Look who's talking," I blurted out sassily whilst enjoying the ride. I rested the side of my chin on the skin on his shoulder. I could feel his warmth and his ease as he carried me, my arms around his neck.

Caspar was tying his shoelaces, getting ready to leave for some gig or some meeting. "Good morning Caspar," I greeted, still riding on Joe.

He dropped me off just in front of the dining chair I always sat on then he pulled the seat out for me. I sat down as he made his way into the kitchen, grabbing a small bowl. He placed it on the table in front of me, surprising me because of its contents. "Is this rice pudding?" I asked, clueless on how he was able to make it.

He nodded. "How'd you make it?" I asked, partly amazed and partly in disbelief since it has been more than a month since the last time I ate rice pudding - even better: the rice pudding Joe made was chocolate pudding.

"I don't know. I just made it," Joe said, boasting slightly although I knew he was lying.

Caspar sarcastically and exaggeratedly laughed like an evil villain on one of those Austin Powers movies. "You just made it up? Just made it up, Joe Sugg? You? Puhlease,"

I shoved a spoonful of the chocolate pudding in my mouth then said, my cheeks stuffed, "I agree with Caspar,"

I chowed it down and it was absolutely heavenly. Joe wasn't into cooking though so he must've ordered it. "You must've ordered this,"

"Now you're just insulting me," He said with a faint laugh. "I did not. I seriously made that. Ask Caspar."

I looked - with a slightly and not scary raised eyebrow - at Caspar who was now somewhere near the couch, ruffling through the gym bag he'd be carrying when he leaves.

He sighed. "Yeah, he cooked it." He said. "He woke me up at 4 in the morning to ask me what stores were open that early then he went to where I suggested, came back with the ingredients he searched on the internet, then after two and a half hours and 3 trials later, the pudding he made turned out to be edible."

After saying this, Caspar grabbed his gym bag, said goodbye to the two of us and jolted out the door, already late for where he was going. "Did you really wake Caspar up at 4 just to ask which stores were open?" I asked Joe with an expression that resembled a flattered yet an are-you-serious look.

"Yeah," Joe honestly admitted. "Actually I couldn't sleep since...I don't know. I just couldn't since I was so excited to I kept replying the time I saw your tweet in my head again and again and again until I decided I'd just cook some breakfast for you,"

"How'd you know I like rice pudding?" I asked although I kinda knew the answer.




We were at Troye and Tyler's large hotel room, halfway finished filming a video/unofficial teaser for Troye's mini album entitled "Wild" when Paige got the call.

We were filming a guy and girl relationship vs same sex relationship skit. We were filming the part about shopping when Paige's phone rung. She answered it the way she usually did -with a smile and a happy tone. This happy tone disappeared after a few moments and she had to excuse herself. I looked at her attentively from the corner of my eye, worried and afraid.

Her fave went from bright to absolute sadness and fright. She was now walking back and forth repeatedly and I didn't know if I should approach her. Troye and Tyler continued on filming but I stayed near Paige, eyes on her.

Finally, she dropped the call, stared at her phone for a rough five seconds, then pressed her palms against her temples in obvious frustration. I knew this was the right time to barge in. I walked towards her, placing my hand on her shoulder to direct her attention to me. "What's going on?"

Once I caught a glimpse of her face, my heart sunk. The Paige that was so excited and amazed at my cooking this morning became broken. It was evident that she was trying to hold back her tears but I knew that was one of the few things she was terrible at. I hugged her.

"Dad's in the hospital," She informed me and I started softly stroking her back to comfort her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know," She answered. "But mom said he's in trouble,"

I heard my heart beat. My eyes widened at hearing the words she had said. I was worried for her kind dad. I was worried for her. I was worried she had to leave once again and I'm fucking tired of having her leave.

She pulled away from the hug. She looked at me with pity and dread in her eyes, and I knew that I was damned again. "I'm gonna have to go to him," She said, her words seemed to take forever to sink into me. I found myself slightly dumbfounded, aimlessly nodding a couple of times.

She placed her hand on my cheek, concern expressed in the way her eyebrows furrowed a bit. "It's gonna be okay," She said although I felt the obligation to be the one telling her that.

I held the hand she placed on my cheek, keeping it there, trying to remember how it felt since she was gonna leave again. And this was only the second day I had her as my girlfriend. Damnit. I'm fucked up.


The next day, after reassuring me that she'll come back as soon as her dad's stable, Paige left on the first flight to Los Angeles. I lied down on my bed, staring on the blank ceiling, succumbing to intense contemplation.

Tyler and Troye stayed in London since they were booked for another couple of days. To make things worse, Caspar had told me he was going to South Africa next week for Theo's graduation, leaving me all alone at our flat.

All I could think about was the mere fact that I was always in the position I am in now. It's as if time teased me, repeating itself and introducing another conflict when things get better. I needed to stop it. I couldn't take it any longer.

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