Series Of Events

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i. The Exposition


Caspar stayed inside the car and waited as Joe accompanied me to my hotel room. He was unusually quiet and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was bothering him. As we entered the elevator and the boring elevator music played as it always did, we were in an awkward situation. I tilted my body 90 degrees and faced him. He had his hands in his pockets, an indication that he was either nervous and/or anxious.

"What's up?" I asked. He still hadn't faced me too. He acted as if he didn't hear anything. "Hello? Is Joe there? What is up?" I said again but he still didn't face me.

I resorted to positioning myself directly in front of him. He looked directly at the floor, avoiding my gaze, not wanting to make eye contact for some reason. "What's up?" I asked, and he started looking from left to right, continually avoiding my gaze.

I gently grabbed his wrists, used my hands to guide both of his hands out of his pockets, and intertwined my fingers with his tightly. This caught his attention. He looked directly at me. "Do you want to tell me what's up?" I asked.

"You are," He answered.

"What do y--

The elevator door opened, accompanied by the usual "ting!" sound. We both got out, my hands not holding his anymore. I purposely walked faster than normal to cover distance quicker and to stay ahead of him to make him know that I don't like the fact that he's hiding something away from me.

As I rushed, he grabbed my wrist and stopped me in my tracks. "Slow down Paige," He said with his British accent that seemed to be more emphasized in that moment.

I stopped, tugged my hand from his grasp, and started walking slower to the door. Once the two of us arrived in front of the door, I stopped, turned around, looked at him, and asked, "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

He hesitated. "Nothing is,"

"Alright then," I said although I wasn't satisfied with the answer. I opened the door with my key card, stepped in, turned around and greeted Joe a goodbye quite coldly.

I closed the door, feeling guilty as soon as I did it. "Hey! Welcome back!" Alexa greeted and hastened to the door with an excited face that turned into a worried one once she saw my expression.

"What's up?" She asked worriedly as she guided me to the bed.

I lay myself face down and groaned in frustration. "What happened now?" She asked.

I looked at her as she sat on her bed that was opposite to mine. "Joe happened,"

"That's always your answer," She complained comically as if she was tired of hearing my excuse and wanted me to expound more.

"Everything's just so confusing," I said.

"Duh, you're in a relationship,"

"I don't know," I said, brushing away the problem like I usually do since it is easier than facing it head on. "I'm just gonna sleep. I'm tired."

"And confused." Alexa said teasingly with a raised brow as I tucked myself in my bed. "And in love." She added, leaving me overthinking all night about life and about feelings and about love and about Joe.



I couldn't sleep. It was cold, my eyes were caving in, and my comforter was very fluffy and soft as usual, but still I couldn't sleep. Anything and everything would bother me and give me another reason to deprive myself of sleep -making sure the front door's locked, checking out twitter without actually tweeting, looking for my Cavaliers snapback for some reason although I had no present need of it, etc.

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