So Bad

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She had called me after she had tweeted her answer -YES. I felt as if I was on top of the top of cloud nine. Caspar and I were staying at Troye and Tyler's hotel but at Paige's tweet, we all rushed back to the Jaspar house.

She called me whilst we were getting inside the car to go to her. Before I pressed the answer button, I brought out my vlogging camera and gave it to Caspar who filmed whilst the car was moving. I answered the call and put it on speaker, heart pounding a thousand beats per minute in total happiness.

"JOE!" She shouted from the other side, excitement and disbelief clearly evident in her ecstatic voice.

"Yes?" I tried to say as calm as I possibly could although I was in no way calm at that moment.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" She asked excitedly, as if she was going to burst into tears. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME FIRST? I THINK IM HYPERVENTILATING RIGHT NOW!"

We laughed at her, mine was slightly muffled for the sole reason that I was smiling myself to insanity. "Don't hyperventilate now please! I can't kiss you if you're hyperventilating," I said, all smiles.

She laughed. "UGH I HATE YOU SO BAD," She sarcastically said whilst she laughed, as if she couldn't hold it in any longer. "JUST COME HERE NOW PLEASE. QUICKLY!"

"We're on our way, Paige! Don't worry," Tyler shouted beside me, chuckling his signature chuckle.

"Okay. Okay," She said, obviously trying to calm herself down a bit. "I'll be waiting,"

"I'll be running," I said.

"Goodbye, Joe,"

"Goodbye, Paige," I said then she ended the call. Immediately, I told the personal driver Troye and Tyler had, "Can't you go any faster, please?" I asked, agitated and full of excitement. What I was currently feeling felt like I was going to explode any minute.

"Don't worry, sir. She'll wait for you," He answered.

"I know," I said. "But the wait is killing me,"


I was already in the living room, scrolling through the tweets of fans and youtubers, caught up in a frenzy of excitement when Joe texted me, saying that they were pulling up.

Instantly, I stood up from the couch faster than lightning and hurriedly opened the door as if my life depended on it. I opened the door to reveal Joe opening the car door of the van they were riding. We locked eyes in a moment -as if time stopped for us, and just for us- then he ran towards the front door.

I went down the stairs of the entrance and collided with him. He caught me and snatched me, pulling me into a hug and spinning me around as if we hadn't seen each other in ten years. My head was pounding in ecstasy.

He put me down but the two of us didn't pull away from the hug. I let his neck and shoulder cradle my head as I tiptoed. "I know I said over the phone that I hate you so bad. What I actually mean is I love bad."

I could actually feel his eyes getting wider when I said that I loved him so bad. Besides that, he held me in his arms tighter -but not tight enough to squeeze the life out of me. "You have no idea how much I love you more," He answered.

All of us settled inside, Joe and I sat beside each other, his arm wrapped around me, tightly pulling me close to him. Troye took the spot on the couch next to me while Tyler and Caspar dropped to the floor.

"How'd you do it?" I asked him.

"It was about 11 am when Caspar and I went to Troye and Tyler's hotel room and told him what I had planned." He started narrating.

"For about 5 hours, we were all facing our laptops and phones, emailing and messaging fellow youtubers, asking them if they wanted to participate," Tyler continued.

"I had to write every single one of them a personal message," Joe said, letting out a small laugh. "And I'm horrible at words,"

"Yeah he is," Caspar agreed, laughing.

"We pulled out all of our tricks just to convince Ian, Anthony, and Ryan you know, since Tyler and I knew you love them," Troye said.

"How'd you know I would be filming an #AskPaige?" I asked, wondering if they were somehow psychic.

"We didn't," Tyler answered excitedly. "Joe got lucky,"

After they showed me videos of earlier this morning when they were emailing and contacting several youtubers and I showed them my reaction that I happened to have filmed since they all tweeted me during my #AskPaige filming, Joe decided to treat us all with a fancy dinner. He took us out to this lavish restaurant wherein we were all dressed in semi-formal attire. The whole time we were eating dinner, Joe had his hands on me.

It was either our hands were intertwined, he had his hand resting on my thigh, or he had his arm wrapped around me. Now that I was officially -and publicly- his girlfriend, he got more and more comfortable and confident in touching me. And I must admit, I liked it.

After the dinner, the five of us parted ways -Tyler and Troye went back to their hotel whilst the three of us went back to the Jaspar crib. The three of us arrived, pretty tired. "Good night, Caspar," I greeted as he entered his room and I walked to Joe's room.

"Good night Paige," He said then, just before he closed the door of his room, said, "Be gentle tonight okay?" He winked at me and I rolled my eyes at his remark.

He closed the door and I found myself in Joe's room, taking off my black high heels as I sat on the bed. Joe, who was delayed in coming down since he had to close and lock the front door, entered the room, closed the door, and threw the keys on his desk.

"Can you help me?" I asked and turned around so he could unzip my little black dress from the back. He easily unzipped the back of my dress but he didn't let go of the zipper. He took a second to stare at the inside of my dress. I wore some Victoria's Secret underwear. "What? Is there something on my back?" I asked, turning my head to look over my shoulder.

"No, there's nothing on your back. It's just-" He let go of the zipper and shook his head quickly from side to side as if shaking off some kind of trance. "I'm going to have to get used to being your boyfriend,"

I turned around to face him. "Why? Aren't you used to it already?" I asked since we've kinda been acting like we're in a relationship for awhile now.

"Not quite," He said, chuckling to himself. "It's hard to restrain myself when I know I'm now allowed to hold and hug you as many times as I can,"

"If I allow it," I countered with a smirk on his face to tease him but he wasn't dazed. He was staring at me, not lustfully. He had a look of amazement in his eyes and I found it adorable.

"And kiss you as many times as I can," He continued.

I stood up, took a few steps to get closer to my luggage bag, and slid my dress quickly off my body so it hit the ground, leaving only my underwear. "Undress me as many times you can," I joked and he laughed. I put on a tshirt and borrowed one of Joe's boxers, sliding into bed, under the warm, comfortable bed sheet.

After Joe undressed, leaving only his boxers, and put on a pair of his sweatpants, he slid into the bed with me, and hugged me tightly. "I can't believe you're my girlfriend," He said as if he was talking to himself and I wasn't there.

I turned around to face him. "You better believe it Suggy," I said jokingly.

He laughed. I kissed him on the lips. "I'm definitely not going to get used to that," He said.

"How many times do I need to kiss you so you can get used to it?" I sarcastically asked since I knew he'd probably reply an exaggerated answer.

"I don't know," He said. "A hundred? Or maybe a thousand?" I don't know," He said.

"Well I guess there's only one way to find out, right?"


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