You Make Me Laugh

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I headed downstairs that morning since I was feeling unusually hungry and craving for ice cream for some reason. Immediately, I walked towards the fridge to find any stashes of Ben and Jerry's but found nothing, so instead, I planned to whip myself some cereal. I got a bowl and placed some cereal in it, then I realized I hadn't got the milk yet.

I placed the bowl of cereal on the counter and started looking for milk but I couldn't find it.

"It's at the back," A voice said from behind me.

I turned around to be met by Joe sitting on one of the chairs by the counter, topless. I couldn't help but glance at his perfect physique.

"The milk's at the very back of the fridge, next to Marcus' stash of chocolate bars." He said, with a shy smile, noticing that I had looked at his abs.

I dove into the back of the huge fridge, emerging victorious with a carton of milk in my hand. I poured the milk in my bowl while I said, "Thanks," He nodded.

"You're up early, aren't you?" He asked.

I grabbed my bowl and sat beside him.
"You're up early, aren't you?" I mocked, since he was up early too, causing a smile to emerge on his face.

"Couldn't sleep," He said, grabbing some bread already situated on the counter and scanning the array of spreads in front of us. "Couldn't get my mind off-

-certain things,"

He grabbed the nutella and started spreading it on a piece of bread. "You? Why you up early?"

I swallowed my cereal and then answered, "I really don't know. I think my body clock's messed up,"

He nodded and then took a bite of his nutella sandwich. "You know, Troye loves nutella," I said.

He slightly turned his chair to my direction, and with his eyebrows raised and eyes widened, he said, "I've heard."

"You seem really close, the two of you," He said.

"Yeah, yeah we are. It's weird though cuz we've only known each other for three months and we're suuuuper close." I said, amazed at Troye and I's friendship.

"Really?" Joe asked, as if in disbelief.

"Yeah! -I mean we don't prank each other like Caspar and you so..."

He laughed. "You watch my videos?"

Oh, Paige. You kinda slipped there. "Of course I watch your videos! I watch everyone's videos: Caspar's, Jim's, Alfie's," I said as cool as I could.

"Oh yeah yeah- I watch yours too," He said.

"Really?" I asked, quite flattered knowing that another famous youtuber watches my videos. Well, actually knowing that He watches my videos.

"Yeah, yeah-" I smiled. "I especially liked your video with Tyler where you were talking about youtubers," He said.

I was replaying that video in my mind. Tyler and I were doing the most likely tag : youtuber edition. Then I remembered...

"Ohhh, I put you up as the most likely youtuber to make me laugh," I said, causing a huge smile to appear on his face.

"I was flattered," He honestly said. "Am I really the most likely youtuber to make you laugh?"

"Yeah! You really are," I said, recalling his funny videos. "Your impression and prank videos especially,"

He laughed. "You're making me blush," He said while chuckling.

"Oh really now?" I asked sarcastically.

"I swear I think I'm turning into a to-mah-toe," Joe said with a huge smile. I laughed.

Our laughing stopped and silence took over. What was weird about it was it wasn't awkward. He looked at me, causing me to look towards his direction too.

"What?" I asked, "Do I have milk on my face or something,"

"Uhm-erm-" He stuttered a bit. He looked to the floor, "Uhm-Could I have your number?"


Hey guys! So Joe asked her her number already!! Gah I'm so excited because I already have plans on how he's gonna....nevermind. It's coming a bit soon!

What do ya think about it? Let me know in the comments below 💖 Love you all xx

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