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Leaving 1


After about a week of staying at her dad's place, I grew closer to Paige and her family. Though not as quite that I'm a hundred percent sure that her dad approves of me. I've learned that her father is a very wealthy businessman. After a few tears and comforting, I've also learned that Paige's mom and dad's relationship didn't quite work out.

Her mom cheated. And as I spent more time with Paige's father I become more puzzled as to why she did so. He was a kind, considerate man with an aura of wisdom and great strength. He was gentle yet firm, and his love for his two daughters radiated despite only smiling rarely.

Of course, we had to leave. Paige and I had busy schedules so we couldn't stay long. We postponed all plans for a week then flew back to London, leaving her dad with her sister, Pyper and brother, Chase, who was bound to arrive at their house 2 days after we left.

Leaving 2

Back in London, I was greeted by an email about Username: Evie. The head of the team who were working with me on it, Samantha, emailed me regarding the new schedule for my book tour. A flurry of excitement and distress hit me when I read my flight plan. I was bound to leave two days from today and return after three weeks.

Paige and I had just arrived in London literally an hour ago and now I have to leave again and I couldn't take her with me. She had plans with multiple UK brands for campaigns and collaborations. She's not even going to get a chance to overcome her jetlag since she's going to a photoshoot with Boohoo tomorrow.

There she lay beside me, sleeping and exhausted. I was tired too. But something inside of me - maybe it was my gut - told me to check my emails and I wish I hadn't. Now I'm gonna have to tell her that I'm going to leave.

I shut my laptop. And I desperately clung unto her. She was only in her sweatpants and lace bralette but I only cared about her face at that very moment. I tapped her lightly on the shoulder and started to snake my arm beneath her, signaling her to turn around since I wanted to cuddle. That night I held her tightly, somewhat afraid that I was gonna lose her.

When I woke up, Paige wasn't beside me anymore. She was upstairs, eating breakfast with Caspar.


"G'morning," I greeted Joe as I saw him behind Caspar, climbing up the stairs.

"Good morning," He said, walking up to me as I sat down in the dining table, eating some cereal, and gave me a quick kiss. As soon as he kissed me, he looked at me from head to toe.

"What is this?!" He looked at me with a tone parents would use on their children. And then he looked at Caspar as if he had betrayed him.

"Wear this," He said, taking off his shirt and pulling it over my head, concealing my torso. I was too lazy to dress up this morning so I headed upstairs with the same attire I slept on last night. To my surprise, Caspar was awake early so I joined him for breakfast without changing. After all, the two of us had gotten close like a brother and sister these past few weeks.

"I don't like other guys seeing you like that, okay?" Joe scolded. "Not even Caspar."

I nodded and then Caspar and I let out a small laugh. "Look at Mr. Protective over here," Caspar commented.

"Mr protective," Joe retorted. "Cheesy,"

After breakfast, Joe and I edited some videos in his room downstairs. He was unusually bothered for some reason, as if he couldn't shake something off. He was a bit hyper too.

"Why don't we go get some ice cream?" He asked to which I replied, "I'm busy,"

"How about we watch a movie?"

"Picnic date?"

"Museum date?"

I ignored all. I just didn't feel like it lately. And I think Joe knew. The condition of my dad still bothered me and I had to edit to distract myself.

After all of Joe's suggestions, he quieted down and then looked at me. "I'm leaving," He said with unnecessary guilt and he caught my attention. "For three weeks. I'm leaving tomorrow,"

"To where?"

"To Manchester, and then Birmingham, and then Liverpool, Newcastle -"

I continued. "-Chicago, New York, Florida,"

My heart sunk. But I tried my best to act like it was no big deal. I had to get used to it. It's part of our jobs after all. "Okay," I said. "Call me everyday,"

"Of course," He said, then I went back to editing, as if brushing what he had just said off.

"Hey," He called with a tone of seriousness. I looked at him and then he cupped my face, kissing my lips softly. He pulled away.

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