She Knew

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iii. Climax


A soft knock came from the door and I didn't answer. I was laying down on my bed, scrolling through my twitter feed and listening to Drake to calm me down. I looked to the door to see Paige's face peer inside. "Can I come in?" She asked with a genuine look of concern in her eyes.

I nodded and she came in and closed the door. "Can I sit beside you?" She asked as if she needed to ask permission for every move she made just because she was in my room and I wasn't in a good mood. I nodded once again them removed my earphones.

"What's up?" I asked.

"You tell me," She countered.

"It's nothing. Just a little migraine," I said.

She chuckled for some reason then looked at me seriously. "Dylan asked me if I wanted to meet up with him this Sunday since he'd be around LA for a few months to film a movie,"

As soon as she said his name, my heart started beating fast. She knew that I knew Dylan had called her and since she brought him up, maybe somehow she knew that I got slightly -okay fine more than slightly- jealous.

She continued, "I told him that I'd loved to meet up with him b-

"Where is this going?" I asked, getting a bit agitated since she was talking about Dylan.

"Just listen for a second, okay?" She insisted.

"Okay," I said, seeing the sincerity in her voice and in her eyes.

"But I told him I couldn't because my flight was moved from this Thursday to two weeks from now,"

I put my hands on my face and groaned when I fully realized what she had just said. "Oh my god, Paige, you a-

"Absolutely amazing human being?"

I raised my face and she immediately scooted to my lap and gave me a big side hug. I wrapped my left arm around her back whilst my other arm rested on her thighs. "How did you know?"

"Know what? That you bought the plane tickets?" She asked and I nodded. "Dad called me this morning, telling me all about my extended two week stay here in London courtesy of you and I had no idea you bought the tickets,"

I let out a groan, with a smile from one ear to another on my face. "How about the Dylan part?"

"They told me all about it," She said, referring to Zoe and the rest of our friends upstairs.

"Uggh. I'm gonna kill them," I said.

"Don't! If it weren't for them, I would've never known that you...

My heart stopped. Did they tell her that I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend? If they did, I'm gonna have their heads on silver platters and fucking prank their tits away.

"...didn't like Dylan,"

I breathed a sigh of relief as the words came out of her mouth. "I don't not like him," I said. "I don't even know him,"

"Whatever you say," She said, standing up then offering me her hand. I grabbed her hand then pulled her quickly so that she'd fall face front on my bed. I then stood up and laughed at her as she looked at me with a grouchy face.

"That's what you get for-for-"

She stood up. "I know, I probably deserved it." She said although I wasn't sure if she knew that I was referring to '-for making me have an absolutely embarrassing yet exciting crush on you'. "Come on, we have videos to make," She said as she walked upstairs and I trailed behind her, smiling like an idiot.

After some clarification with Zoe on what they had actually told Paige and on whether or not they told her what I had planned ( they had not told her ), I decided not to go through with the plan to ask her since now, I had two more weeks to plan something better.


SHORT UPDATE BECAUSE I DIDNT WANT TO LEAVE U GUYS HANGING 💖💖 Next chapter will be up soon!!! And btw are any of u fans of The Walking Dead, because it just premiered and holy sht dang 🌚🌚🌚 Anyways, as always, votes and comments are highly appreciated💖 love you all xx

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