Still Not Over

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"Hey Paige," Alexa said with yet another mischievous grin. "Nice clothes,"

I looked at the sweater I was wearing and almost forgot it was Joe's. "Whatever," I said playfully as I grabbed some underwear and bottoms from my bag since I had no intention of going out this afternoon. "I'm just gonna take a shower,"

I entered the loo and set my clothes and towel where they're supposed to be. I took off Joe's boxers and sweater, folded them neatly, then put it aside. I removed my underwear then stepped inside the shower.

Midway through my refreshing shower, I heard the bell ring and I got excited since Alexa told me she ordered some pizza. I finished my shower rituals then put on my underwear and the pajamas I got from my luggage bag. Just as I was pulling up my pajamas, I realized that I forgot to get a shirt.

I grabbed Joe's sweater and pulled it over me. I grabbed all my clothes and went out the door. Alexa was seated on her bed, an opened box of pizza in front of her as she chewed a slice of Hawaiian Pizza. I gently put my dirty clothes away then grabbed a slice from the box.

I threw myself unto my bed as I ate the slice. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through twitter -something I haven't done in a while.

"When are you even gonna upload youtube videos again?" Alexa asked in a sassy tone but I could tell it was a serious question. I didn't answer. "Wow, thanks a lot for hearzoning me,"

I laughed then I faced her. "What the fuck is hearzoning?" I sarcastically asked.


"Yea I know what it is. It's stupid," I said jokingly. "Can't believe I just heard you say 'hearzoning',"

I faced my phone again. I was scrolling through the thousands and thousands of notifications that fans and people tweeted me. "Could we just talk about the elephant in the room?" Alexa asked.

"You mean your boobs?" I asked jokingly and Alexa threw a pillow at me while laughing.

"I wish," She said. "Seriously though, aren't we gonna talk about how you and Joe have now seen each other after months? And aren't you gonna tell me what happened last night? I was worried about you. Good thing Caspar texted me last night and said you were over at their place. What were you even doing there? I thought you were over Joe? Is there some-

Her babbling was cut off by the sound of the doorbell. "Probably room service again," I said in a lazy tone that implied that I wasn't going to go and get the door.

Alexa stood up and walked to the door as she said, "I thought you were over him,"

I heard Alexa open the door but I was too busy looking at my phone to pay attention to room service. After about half a second of deliberating on whether or not I should answer Alexa's question, I decided that I'd might as well answer her since she had asked over a hundred questions in half an hour and I didn't seriously answer a single one. "I've spent two months trying to get over Joe. And I thought I had gotten over him, but when I saw him at the party..." I said, hoping Alexa would now be satisfied with me sharing my thoughts.

"...all the feelings came back," A greatly familiar voice with a British accent said and I immediately knew who it was without even seeing him. I looked up and that's when I saw Joe standing in front of me, completely dumbfounded, and Alexa behind him, staring at me, her eyes wide in anxiety. Behind her, Caspar stood in surprise but when he and I exchanged gazes he smiled at me mischievously.

No one talked. It was complete and utter awkwardness. "Alexa, why don't we get some food down stairs?" Caspar said.

"Yeah...." Alexa awkwardly said. "We probably should," Alexa looked at me with a sorry look then winked at me as she exited the door. Before exiting the door, Caspar noticed the box of pizza that was still half full so he got two slices and followed Alexa outside the room.

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