Welcome To The Fam

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I packed my bags and jumped on the first flight I could possibly get to Los Angeles.


After settling in slightly in my last-minute rented hotel room, I quickly jolted to the hospital Paige and her dad were staying in after some phone calls to ask where it was. Before entering, I dropped by the flower shop and picked up a bouquet of roses and a bouquet of hydrangeas - Paige's favorite flowers.

I briskly walked to the room where they stayed - of course, getting lost once or twice - with Troye's text message regarding the room number on my mind.

When I reached the room, I straightened my shirt, gripped the two bouquets tightly, then knocked. To my surprise, Paige wasn't the one who opened it.

"May I help you?" A girl asked. I had never seen her but I had an idea of who she was. She was brunette, like Paige. She had that same laid-back feel Paige had.

"I'm Joe," I informed although I didn't know if that helped since I had no idea if she knew me.

"Oh, so you're Joe?" She eyed me from head to toe quickly with a smile, as if judging me but trying not to make it obvious. "Does Paige know you're here?"

I shook my head. "Oooh so this is a surprise?" I nodded. "Come in,"

I recognized and assumed from her distinct similarity to Paige that she was Pyper - Paige's younger sister. Troye had told me about Paige's siblings - Pyper and Chase - and parents - Portia and Clark. He had told me their names and tiny, incomplete, maybe inaccurate even, descriptions, that's all.

I walked into the humongous hospital bedroom that was clearly big for only one patient. This must be the first class of the intensive care unit if there's such a thing.

Their dad was sleeping on the hospital bed whilst Paige sat on a chair beside him, holding his hand and burying her face in her folded arms.

"Want me to wake her up?" Pyper asked.

I stared at Paige who was peacefully sleeping although in a pretty uncomfortable position. "No, I don't want to disturb her," I said. She gave me an whatever-you-say look then sat down on a couch.

The two bouquets were still in my hands while I sat down and looked at Paige and her dad. When I finally put them down beside me, Pyper started a conversation. "Did you fly from London?" She asked.

I nodded. "Pretty far place to come from to visit our dad," She remarked and I didn't know what to say. "You know, Paige has been telling us about you,"

"Oh really? What did she say?" I asked, straightening my back a bit, retracting from my crouched position with my elbows resting on my knees.

"She said you were cute," She began. "And nice, and a gentleman,"

I let out a chuckle at the last bit, feeling myself get warm inside.


Pyper had gone out to fetch some Starbucks for us all, leaving me behind to accompany both Paige and her dad who were still both sleeping. I was watching a youtube video on my phone - my earphones plugged in to maintain the silence - when I noticed Paige's dad was awake and staring at me.

Feeling my heart drop, I immediately took off my earphones, placed my phone beside me, then took the roses and offered it to him. It was an awkward moment but he accepted the roses after inspecting it though he kept it away from his face. "Are you one of Pyper's boyfriends?" He asked and I shook my head.

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