Chapter 3: Setting Sail

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Du Sik's POV

"I'm off..." I mumble as I head to the door. Hye Jin sends me off at the door. Just seeing her smile is enough to make me want to fake sick and get out of work today.

"Go, you'll be late." Hye Jin laughs when she sees me stalling.
"I'll see you tonight, okay?" I say wistfully. A whole day without Hye Jin... I don't know how I'm going to make it.

Hye Jin kisses me on the cheek and waves goodbye.


"Good morning Chief Hong!" Mr Park greets me as I step onto the ship.

"Good morning Mr Park!" I greet as I slip on my rubber yellow boots. I shield my eyes from the glare. It's a sunny day today.

The other workers make their way into the boat and soon, we're setting sail.

"Chief Hong, here's the cup you lent me last time. Thank you for the peppermint tea. I enjoyed it." One of the fishermen approaches me and passes me my cup.

"Ah yes! Rookie!" I exclaim, happy to see him again. "The one with 'land sickness' right?" I ask. He laughs.

"Yes, that's me. I've been drinking peppermint tea everyday since."

"Wah, so now you're an expert fisherman." I give him a thumbs up.

"I wouldn't say that, exactly." The rookie sighs. "I still get so cold from the sea breeze." He shivers.

"Here, take this." I pass him my army green jacket.

"Are you sure? Thank you Chief Hong!" Rookie takes it gratefully.

"You can pass it back to me at the end of the trip." I smile.

"I must say, Chief Hong," Mr Park joins us. "You have a good eye for hiring people. I thought Rookie wouldn't make it at first. But he proved me wrong."
"Of course, they don't call me Chief Hong for nothing." I joke. Mr Park laughs and offers us some coffee.

"Instant coffee." Mr Park says as he hands me the cup. "I know your fiance's clinic serves much better instant coffee, but you'll have to make do with what we have on board." Mr Park says.

"Wah, news really spreads J fast in Gongjin." I comment.

"Nam Suk has been keeping her mouth busy ever since you and Dr Yoon got engaged." Mr Park winks at me.

"Aigoo, I guess I can save money on the wedding invitations then, thanks to Nam Suk." I laugh.

The boat suddenly makes a sharp jump, like a car hitting a speed bump. The coffee in our hands splashes out of the cups.

"Mr Park!" One of the fishermen yells.

"What is it?" Mr Park hurries over to the one steering the boat.

"I don't know Sir. The current seems to have taken a sudden change."

The boat lunges again and water flushes into the boat.

The glow of the warm sun has suddenly vanished. Woolly grey clouds hang ominously around us. The ship's sails flap dangerously in the wind, threatening to tear.

Mr Park looks nervously at the choppy waters ahead and the dark sky.

"Everyone! We need to turn this boat around."

Hye Jin's POV

"What should we have for dinner tonight?" Mi Seon asks me as we step out of the clinic. It's raining heavily today. The rain drops are thick and make a pelting sound as they hit the buildings. I quickly take out my umbrella, though I have an inkling that we will get drenched anyway. The rain seems to be spraying in all directions.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mi Seon, I forgot to tell you. But Du Sik asked me to meet him tonight." I say apologetically.

"It's okay, don't worry." Mi Seon smiles. "Have fun on your date!"

"Why don't you ask Eun Chul to eat with you? Go on more rotisserie chicken adventures?" I wink.
"Ya!" Mi Seon pretends to slap my arm. "Aish, Eun Chul has to work the night shift tonight... so I can't see him..." She sighs.

"Do you think..." Her eyes suddenly perk up. "... if I committed a crime, would I have an excuse to see him?"
"Are you crazy?" I shake my head furiously. "You can't commit a crime!"

"Just a small one!" Mi Seon makes an excuse. "Like a teeny tiny one. I miss him so much..." She whines.

"What can we do... both our boyfriends are such hard workers." I sigh.

"Why? Does Chief Hong has to work today?" She asks. I nod.

"Orh. He had to work at the harbour today." I sigh. "I hope they're doing okay with this rain." I squint to look up at the unforgiving sky. "I can't wait to see him." I do a happy dance.

"Lucky you." Mi Seon laughs. "Haiz. I will have a sexy date with rotisserie chicken in front of the TV tonight then." She sighs.

"Do you have an umbrella?" I ask Mi Seon. She takes her umbrella from her bag and waves it at me.

"Don't get too wet." I laugh

We tell each other to be careful before heading in opposite directions. Mi Seon heads home while I head towards Du Sik's house.

I can't wipe the smile off my face.

I get to see Du Sik soon!


"Hmm... he's not back yet?" I mutter curiously when I reach his place. I have to squint past the blanket of rain to check for sure that the lights are out. Despite the relentless wind, the house is still. I look at my watch.


"I guess he must be running late." I sigh and run to seek shelter at the covering just outside his door.

"I hope he doesn't catch a cold..." I think, shivering slightly. The wind sends the rain drops flying in every direction. Each raindrop feels like an icicle when it hits me. This is some crazy weather.

Time ticks by slowly and I start to get worried. I step out and peer at the road pathways down his house, thinking that at any moment, I'll see him trotting down the path.

"Dr Yoon!" I hear Hwa Jeong call me from a distance. She runs towards me.

"Mrs Yeo, hello!" I greet. "What are you doing in this weather?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing. You're completely drenched already. Where's Du Sik? Is he not home?" She asks.

"Yes, he had to work at the harbour today." I sigh.

Hwa Jeong's face twists with a tangle of knots. Something in her expression changes like a light bulb going off.

"By any chance..." She says slowly with wide eyes. "Was Du Sik on one of the boats today?" She asks.

"Yes. Why?" I ask. I don't like the tone of Hwa Jeong's voice. My heart starts pounding.

"Dr Yoon..." Hwa Jeong stammers, clearly reluctant to share this piece of information with me.

"What is it?" I ask. She hesitates. "Mrs Yeo, please tell me." I beg.

Hwa Jeong looks at the vicious weather surrounding us. I start to get a hint. But I neither register it nor believe it until it comes out of her mouth.

"Dr Yoon, some of the boats have gone missing at sea." 

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