Chapter 31: In a Daze

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Mi Seon's POV

"Is that..." I call out desperately. "Is that? Is that Chief Hong!" I cry out and grab Eun chul's arm. We sprint towards the man that emerges from the burning building with Hye Jin in his arms. Du Sik coughs repeatedly. His face is blackened with smoke, while soot coats his fringe.

"Call... get the ambulance..." Chief Hong's voice is hoarse and raspy.

Within a few seconds, the medics are there with the stretcher and ventilators.

With shaking hands, Du Sik lowers Hye Jin onto the stretcher. He bends over her and shakes in fear. As if coordinated, Du Sik helps the medics carry the stretches into the ambulance.

Du Sik's POV

My head spins as the ambulance speeds off towards the hospitals. I hear the static voices between the medics as they communicate with each other and the hospital. A ventilator has been placed over Hye Jin's nose and mouth. Her eyes are still shut and now, in the proper light, I feel how soot has smudged her face. I reach out and hold her hand in mine. I press her hand against my cheek and pray. I pray and pray and pray.

We break into a mad sprint as the ambulance pulls up to the hospital and Hye Jin is rushed off towards the emergency unit.

I stare at the red sign which turns on and reads 'OPERATION'. Tears flow down my face and I collapse onto the floor as I feel every ounce of energy leave my being.

"Chief Hong!" Eun chul and Mi seon, who had followed closely behind the ambulance, rush into the waiting area. Eun chul helps me onto the seat and gets a cup of water for me.

"Chief Hong... I'm sorry..." Mi Seon apologises and her face is red from tears as well. Eun chul rubs her shoulder gently.

"Chief Hong, what happened to your hand and arm!" Eun chul suddenly says in an alarmed voice as he spots the scald marks on my hand and arm, where the fire licked.

"I'm okay." I say softly as I pull my arm away and hide it behind my back.

"No, you're not!" Eun chul insists and tries to get a closer look at my arm.

Tears flow down my face and my lower lip trembles.

"Oh, Chief Hong..." Eun chul says and lets go of my arm. "I'm sorry, did that hurt?" He asks.

"Hye Jin..." Those are the only words that I can breathe out. The very mention of her name shakes my entire being in a strange daze. I feel like my head has been submerged in water. I can't hear or see or perceive things properly. All I can hear is the rapid tremouring of my heart. My cheeks feel swollen and it feels my body is being pressed in on every side.

"Guardian of Hong Hye Jin?" A nurse steps out of the operating room and calls. I immediately snap out of my daze and dash towards the nurse.

"Yes?" I ask in a pinched voice. "I'm her husband." The nurse speaks to us in a clinical, professional voice

"Yes, Mr Hong. I'm going to need the contact number of your wife's gynaecologist." She says.

"What?" I gasp. The words start to dissolve in my head... but I don't seem to be able to make sense of them.

"Do not worry, Mr Hong. It's nothing too serious. We just need to speak with Mrs Hong's gynaecologist before we administer any anesthesias, just to be safe." The nurse says and smiles politely.

"But why..." The words come out of my mouth and seem to echo in the waiting room. "But why... why... do you need to hear from the gynaecologist..." I ask and my mouth feels dry.

"You do not know?" The nurse asks me and her eyes go back to the chart in her hands, as if to make sure that she's taken the correct patient chart.

"Your wife is pregnant." 

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