Chapter 22: A Love Note

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Du Sik's POV

"Oh! Chief Hong! Dr Yoon!" Hwa Jeong greets as we step out of the car. We're back home. We're back in Gongjin. Nam suk follows behind her, waving at us.

"Aigoo, how was the honey moon!" Nam suk says in a blasting voice. "I bet you two had some fun."

Hye Jin immediately blushes at the way Nam Suk pronounces "fun".

"Omo, Dr Yoon, are you not feeling well? Why are you so red?" Hwa Jeong asks, genuinely concerned.

"Aiya," Nam suk smirks. "I'm sure it's not a fever. Dr Yoon is glowing... with satisfaction."

Nam Suk looks at me and winks.

I almost choke on my spit.

I feign laughter.

"Ahaha, yes. Wah, I'm sure tired from the long ride. Hye Jin, we meet head home and get some rest." I try to plaster a smile on my face.

"Oh yes," Hye Jin says, catching up on my hints.

We really don't need Nam suk going on and on about our honeymoon like a loudhailer.

"Aigoo, just to rest? Make sure you don't do anything else!" Nam suk yells as Hye Jin and I literally speed off.

"Wah Nam Suk really..." Hye Jin laughs once they're out of sight.

"I know right." I agree. "Come on, let's go home."


"Ah! We're home!" Hye Jin says as she collapses on the couch.

"Here." I pour a cup of water and pass it to her.

"Thank you." She smiles.

I sit on the couch next to her and put my arm around her. Hye Jin rests her head against my chest.

"I don't believe how happy I am these days." Hye Jin says. I smile at her as she looks up at me.

"Me too." I lean forward and kiss her. My senses tingle again. I've kissed her a thousand times and yet, each time I kiss Hye Jin, my heart flutters as if I'm kissing her for the very first time.

I kiss Hye Jin lightly. She returns it with unexpectedly great force that I have to prop myself up with my arm.

I kiss her back with the same force and Hye Jin makes a sound that sets my body alive.

I lean back as she climbs on top of me. My arms wrap around her waist and she kisses me like there's no tomorrow.

So this is what heaven feels like.

Her hands go to the hem of my shirt and she stops for a second.

She looks at me and I nod. My eyes are deep with desire. I long for her. It's like someone has lit a fire within me.

Hye Jin pulls my shirt over my head and she leans down, her face is just a few centimetres from mine. She breathes heavily and so do I. I cup her face in my hand and lean in.

"Oh my!" Hye Jin falls off the couch in shock as the sound of someone knocking on the door rings through the house.

"Are you okay?" I'm shocked and help Hye Jin up.

Hye Jin nods and gets up with flushed cheeks. She quickly tidies her hair, while I swiftly slip on my shirt that lies on the floor.

"Of all times..." Hye Jin mutters and fans herself briefly before going to open the door.

"Ju ri?" Hye Jin gets a shock to see Ju ri standing there when she opens the door. "What are you doing here?" Hye Jin asks.

"Oh Ju ri, don't tell me that you stole the safe again..." I say.

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