Chapter 34: Leaping Within Me

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Hye Jin's POV

As consciousness draws me into its arms, the first thing I'm aware of is the burning sensation in my throat. Before my eyes can open, my body goes through a fit of spasms as I cough vigorously. My whole body seems to be vibrating as it throws itself forward in a reflex arc, trying to rid itself of the soot.

"Hye Jin!" I hear Du Sik's worried voice. My hand clasps around my burning throat and I feel his warm hands supporting my back, patting me gently.

I open my eyes and smile at the sight of him.
"Jagiya-" I manage to slip his name out before I double up in another spasm of coughs.

Du sik quickly gets a cup of water and gently lifts it to my lips.

"Slowly." He says as he holds it to my lips and supports my neck with his hand. The cool water is a welcome relief to the burning sensation in my throat.

"Is that better?" Du Sik asks as I draw my lips away from the cup. He wipes away the water that drips down the corner of my mouth with his thumb.
"Drink a bit more." He says gently and I do.

It feels like my throat has been sealed up and I have to force the water down with great difficulty.

"Do you want some more?" Du Sik asks me as I empty the cup. I shake my head. Du Sik sets the cup down on the table and looks intently at me. He scans my face, checking that I'm okay.

"What happened?" I ask. "Was I asleep for a very long time?" I ask him, peering around, only now realising that I'm in a hospital ward.

The memories come flashing back. The venue. The locked door. The fire.

"There was a fire!" I suddenly gasp and sit bolt upright. I look at Du Sik and hold onto his arms. As I do, I notice the huge bandage around his arm.
"What happened to your arm?" I ask him and draw my fingers over the bandage gently. "Are you okay? Why is your arm like this?" I ask in a panicked voice.

Du sik draws me into his arms and hugs me. I feel his heart pounding out of his chest.

"I was so scared." He says in a shaking voice. "I thought I almost lost you." He says and leans his face close into my shoulder. I smile and wrap my arms around him. I pat his back gently and it seems to help quieten the anxious beating of his heart.

"I'm okay. Really, I'm okay now. See?" I tell Du Sik happily as I smile at him. Du sik smiles back at me and strokes my cheek.
"Wait. Mi seon! Where is Mi seon? Is she okay?" I suddenly remember.

"She's okay. She wasn't anywhere near the fire." Du sik reassures me and I feel more settled.

"You haven't told me what happened to your arm." I say, feeling my heart ache as I look at the huge bandage that has hints of blood stains.

"Oh, I accidentally scratched myself when I was working." Du sik says as he scratches the back of his head.

"I have something to tell you." Du sik says and this time, his eyes are shining. They're glistening and tears gather at the corner of his eyes. He holds my hands in both his hands and looks at me with what can only be described as the purest form of joy.

"What is it?" I ask.

Du Sik's face swells up with excitement as he reaches over and takes the patient chart at the foot of the bed. He flips through several pages and shows me the page on patient general information.
"What is this?" I ask as my eyes scan the chart. They flutter over information like my name... age... blood type and it suddenly stops on a word that glows and fills my vision.

"Pregnant? I'm pregnant?" I gasp. A sudden wave of emotion that I've never felt before overwhelms me. My heart quickens. It quickens with excitement. It's an unreal feeling. A beautiful feeling of ecstasy pulls at my heartstrings and a lovely melody fills my mind.

"I'm pregnant?" I gasp again and feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Yes, you are." Du Sik says and beams at me. He places a hand over my stomach and I feel an unreal warmth that courses through my body. "You are." He says again and we both sit in awe, in disbelief, in pure bliss.

I smile. My heart soars. I reach forth and pull Du sik closer to me. I kiss him and he kisses me back. His hands spread around my back and he holds me protectively. Du sik's lips are soft and gentle. His steady hands are reassuring and I feel so safe in him.

"We're going to have a baby." Du sik whispers in delight and we kiss again.

When we break away, Du sik's hand goes to my stomach again. I place my hands over his hand. I feel something leap within me and know that it's our child, rejoicing at the touch of his or her father and mother.


"HYE JIN!" Mi seon crashes into the hospital ward. Du sik must have called her to tell her that I've woken up and she has raced over.
"Are you okay! Are you okay!" Mi seon flies around me, frantically making sure that I'm okay.

"Yah, Pyo Mi seon, I'm perfectly okay!" I say and laugh as I gesture for her to sit down.
"Hello Mi seon." Du sik says as he emerges from the toilet and spots Mi seon. "Since you're here, I'll make a quick trip back to pack a few things for Hye Jin okay?" Du Sik says.

"I'll see you soon." Du sik says as he kisses my forehead before asking Mi seon to take good care of me and heads out.

"Hye Jin ah..." Mi seon says and sounds extremely upset. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that I left you there in that building." Mi seon's eyebrows are furrowed together and she covers her face in shame.

"Mi seon ah," I start, shocked to see her crying. "It's okay. It's really okay! Look at me, I'm perfectly alright!" I say and sit up right, holding my arms out, showing Mi seon that I'm okay.

"Are you kidding me?" Mi seon exclaims. "YOU WERE STUCK IN A FIRE! If it wasn't for Chief Hong, I don't know what would have happened to-" Mi seon says.

"What do you mean?" I ask Mi seon as she mentions Du sik. "What do you mean if it wasn't for Du sik-ie? What happened to him?" I ask and hold on to Mi seon's arm.

"What?" Mi seon asks.

"What happened to Du sik? Why... What do you mean if it wasn't for him?" I ask Mi seon.

"You don't know?" Mi seon asks. I shake my head.

"Chief Hong ran into the burning building to save you. He's the one who got you out of there." Mi seon's words ring in my head.

"Is that why... that explains... is that why... he has that huge bandage on his arm..." My voice trails off and I clasp my hand over my mouth. Mi seon nods slowly.

An outpouring of gratitude, love and regret gushes out of my heart like a mighty waterfall. I can't believe he would do that for me. I feel like I'm swimming in mighty waves of emotion that overcome me. All I want is for Du Sik to be here, right here and right now. 

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