Chapter 42: A Soothing Voice

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Du Sik's POV

"Jagiya!" Hye Jin says excitedly as she hears me come through the door. "You're home!" She says happily.

I smile and reach out to run my fingers along her cheek and corner of her jaw.

"Did you have a good day today?" I ask, feeling the fatigue of today's work completely dissolve as I see her beautiful smile that can light up the whole world.

"Yes! I did!" She smiles and beckons me to sit on the couch with her. "I have something to show you!" She says.

"Hm? What is it?" I ask her.

Hye Jin takes my hand and places it over my bump.

"Wait for it..." She says. I pause for a moment.

In the stillness, a small nudge moves under my hand. I look up at Hye Jin in amazement. She grins at me, knowing that I've felt what she felt.

"Did you feel that?" Hye Jin beams.

"Was that..." My voice trails off in wonderful astonishment. The feeling is simply unreal. Another small nudge moves against my hand, like a bubble popping.

"Yes, he's starting moving and kicking today." Hye Jin says as she looks at her bump in adoration. I move down from the couch to the floor, so that I am at eye level with her bump.

I stroke the bump gently and kiss it.

"May you grow strong and healthy." I whisper to our baby. "But don't kick your mommy too much, okay?" I ask and Hye Jin laughs softly.

"Ah!" She shifts uncomfortably.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Ow, he really does kick quite hard." Hye Jin laughs, looking defeatedly and cradles her bump in her hands. I place my hands on hers.

"Agi-ah," I say in a soothing voice. "Sleep well. Don't kick in your sleep." I whisper.

"Hang on a second," I tell Hye Jin as I get up and scoot over to the bookshelf.

"What's that?" Hye Jin asks me as I hold up a book.

"Our baby is just like you. I think he needs a bedtime story before he can sleep." I smile. I drape a blanket over Hye Jin, covering her bump, before sitting on the floor.

I clear my throat and start reading the story.

""Just that," said the fox. "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need for you. And you, on your part, have no need of me."" I read the words of the book for a few minutes. When I turn to look up at Hye Jin, she has fallen fast asleep.

Smiling, I gently lower her onto the pillow and draw her legs up onto the couch.

"Aigoo, Hye Jin ah, the same method still works on you." I whisper, recalling the fond memory of the first time I read her a story and she fell asleep within seconds. I carefully draw the covers over her.

"Goodnight." I whisper as I kiss Hye Jin on the forehead.

"Goodnight." I whisper to her bump as my hand gently touches her bump 

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