Chapter 27: Freshly Caught

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Hye Jin's POV

"Mrs Yeo, hello!" I smile as Hwa Jeong walks into the clinic. "Are you having problems with your clenching habits again?" I ask in concern, wondering why she has visited the dental clinic.

"Oh, my teeth are perfectly fine, thanks to you Dr Yoon!" Hwa Jeong says happily. "I just came to invite you and Mi Seon to a small gathering we're having at my restaurant tonight." Hwa Jeong says happily as she hands us an invitation.

"A wedding party?" I exclaim excitedly as I see the invitation that bears Hwa Jeong and Young guk's name.

"Yes." Hwa Jeong says shyly. "We decided not to have a fancy reception or anything. We just wanted to have a small get-together with family and friends to celebrate Young guk and I getting back together." Hwa Jeong says and beams brightly.

"Congratulations!" Mi seon and I gush. "We'll be there!"


Hwa Jeong's fish restaurant is abuzz as many of the Gongjin neighbours and friends gather together to celebrate Young guk and Hwa Jeong as they get their marriage certificate.

"Oh! Eun chul!" Mi seon says happily as we enter the restaurant. Eun chul waves at her happily. I smile in adoration at Du sik who sits beside Eun chul.

"Jagiya." I call Du Sik as he greets me with a small kiss on the cheek.

"Come on, take a seat. They're bringing out the food soon." Du Sik says as he ushers me to the seat next to him.

Plates and plates of luxurious seafood are ferried out of the kitchen too and fro. Il jun polishes off every bit of food that his parents put on his plate. He pauses for a second before placing his drumstick in Bo ra's plate. Bo ra responds by smiling brightly at him and proceeds to unload all her uneaten vegetables onto Il jun's plate.

"Here, try this. It's freshly caught cod!" Nam suk says as she brings the fish over to us.

As I bring the fish to my mouth, the funky smell suddenly invades my nostrils. It's as if a hand has inserted itself all the way down my gut and pulls at my stomach. I wrench suddenly, holding my mouth and stomach as I feel a wave of nausea come up.

"Are you okay?" Du sik suddenly snaps alert as I jerk forward, holding onto my stomach and mouth. He reaches out a hand to pat my back.
"Is it something you ate?" He asks with a concerned tone.

I open my mouth to answer but as another dish of seafood comes to the table, a sickening wave of nausea hits me squarely in the face. I suddenly feel like I've been spinning round and round and there's a sourness in my throat. Heat rises up to my face suddenly and I feel faint.

Du sik holds a hand out to my face gently and feels my temperature.
"Hye jin ah..." Mi seon says with a heavy look of worry on her face. "Are you okay?" She asks.

I can't breathe. With each breath, I feel the sickening feeling rise higher and higher. My head spins, I'm almost afraid I've lost control of all senses.

I shake my head weakly, still cupping my hand to my face.
"Dr Yoon, you do look a bit pale." Eun chul says with concern.

"I think I better bring you home, okay?" Du sik says he places his jacket over me.

"Dr Yoon, are you okay?" Hwa Jeong asks as she sees them huddling around me. I look at her and find my vision spinning. My vision goes blurry as hot tears fill my eyes.

"I don't think she's feeling well." Du sik says with an anxious tone. "Hye jin ah, come on." He says gently as he helps me up.

When I'm on my feet, they feel like jelly and I fall back down to the earth. I feel like I've jumped off from the moon and am now hurtling towards earth.

"Hye jin ah..." The worry in Du sik's voice increases by a hundred fold. "Eun chul, help her get onto my back." Du sik says. My vision remains blurry. All I feel are the hands guiding me and the warmth of Du sik's back.

"Hand me her shoes." Du sik says.

"What?" Mi seon asks.

"She doesn't like losing her shoes." Du sik says.

My ears are ringing. In the midst of the cacophony of loud sounds in my head, I vaguely hear Du sik thanking Hwa Jeong and reassuring everyone that he will take care of me.

"Hye Jin?" Du sik calls me as he piggy-backs me home.

"Aish, why is the sun so bright today." He sighs as he tries to pick up the speed.

I don't remember the journey back home. In an attempt to still my throbbing head, I try to focus on the steady pace of Du Sik walking.

When we get home, he slowly lowers me onto the bed and pulls the sheets over me.

"Hye Jin?" He calls gently. I open my eyes. They're only half open. The light is too bright, it hits like hard shards of glass.

"How are you feeling?" He asks softly as he holds a hand to my forehead.

"I feel sick." I force the words out. "I'm sorry. I'm just a bit dizzy." I say before my eye close, unable to take in the world that spins around me.


Hwa Jeong's POV

"I hope Dr Yoon is okay..." I sigh as I watch Du sik carry Hye Jin out. "She seemed perfectly fine this morning..." I add.

"What happened to Dr Yoon? Did she suddenly fall ill?" Cho hee asks.

"I think she felt a bit sick from the fish." Mi seon sighs.

"Omo! Omo!" Nam suk holds her hand up to her face.

"What is it?" I ask Nam suk.

"You don't suppose..." Nam suk pauses and looks at us with wide eyes.
"Just say it! We're all waiting!" Chun jae says impatiently.

"You don't think..." Nam suk starts. "Dr Yoon is pregnant?" 

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