Chapter 39: Watermelon in a Basket

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Hye Jin's POV

"I'm home!" I say happily as I step through the doors.

"Oh! You're home!" I hear Du Sik emerge from the kitchen.

"Jagiya-" I start and stop when I see Du Sik. Laughter erupts from my lips.

"What are you doing?" I ask with a faint look of amusement dancing across my face. Du sik has a baby ring sling strapped across his body and in the baby carrier sits a watermelon.

"Oh this?" Du sik smiles happily as he points to the watermelon. "I'm practising." He beams at me brightly.

"Practising?" I ask him.

"Yes! Practising to carry our baby when he or she is born." Du sik says proudly and pretends to pat the watermelon.

"Aigoo, what a cute baby you have there." I laugh as I pat the watermelon.

"Agi-ah, isn't my jagi the best father in the world?" I ask the watermelon.

"Yes, of course he is!" Du sik pretends to respond as the watermelon and speaks in a cutesy, child-like voice. I bend over with laughter.

Du sik smiles endearingly at me as he removes the watermelon and baby ring sling from his body.

"What is all this?" I ask Du sik as I peer at the boiling pots on the stove.

"Oh this?" Du sik says and opens one of the pots to check the contents in it. "I'm practising how to make baby food." He says proudly. "See, this is pumpkin... then over here is egg mashed with potato..." Du sik says.

I can't help but lean forward and kiss him on the cheek as he speaks. Du sik looks at me with pleasant surprise and touches the spot on his cheek where I kissed him.

"You are the best, you know? You are the best father in the world." I compliment him and Du sik beams at me in delight.

"Our baby is leaping at the sight of you." I add as I place his hand over my small bump. Du sik's face softens and melts into a warm glow as he touches my bump.

He hugs me and strokes my hair.

"I want to paint our baby's room soon." He says excitedly.

"What colour do you want to paint it?" I ask, feeling my spirits lift at this idea.

"Mmm..." Du sik thinks. "Blue if we have a boy, pink if we have a girl? Or is that too outdated?" He asks.

"I like that idea." I say as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"We will find out tomorrow right?" Du sik asks excitedly. "We'll find out the gender of our baby tomorrow right?"

I nod and feel my heart fluttering with excitement.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" I ask Du sik.

"It doesn't matter. I already love our baby so much. I'm going to be celebrating whether it's a boy or girl." Du Sik gives me an excited boyish grin.

"You're so cute. I think I'm falling in love with you all over again." I whisper happily.

"Me too." Du sik says as he kisses me softly. 

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