Will you?

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I spent an hour picking out an outfit to wear tonight, the only help I got from H was a text saying "casual... but also comfy" when I asked what I should be wearing. His first answer was "wet suit" but when I told him that if he was serious I wasn't gonna go- he caved pretty quick. I ended up settling on my favorite pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt, with a large crotchet cardigan that looks like the one Harry stole from me but it's solid red instead of patterned. I wonder if I'm ever getting that one back from him... it looks better on him anyway.

Im nervous to be totally honest, I'm not sure what to expect from tonight, I wasn't even sure where he was planning on taking me. I've been waiting for a good opportunity to try to talk about things but things have been so easy this past week, I don't want to pop the bubble and have things go back to being awkward. I told him I loved him, and he loves me... we haven't talked about it since. Opening up that conversation again kind of scares me though, to be honest.

When it hit 7:00 exactly I heard 3 knocks at the door and smiled to myself as i imagined him staring at his watch as it counted down, waiting to knock. I grabbed my keys from the bowl beside the door and shoved them in my pocket and opened it to Harry, standing in the doorway with a smile. He was wearing blue jeans with a white grey hoodie with big black letters across the front spelling 'Damn' and a little clip in his hair, pulling it up out of his face.

"M'lady." He said and he offered me his arm with a big smile. I hooked mine with his and he led me down the hall to the stairs. My hands were so sweaty and my mouth felt like desert. I've gone out with him a million times before this, why was I so nervous? Why did this feel so different? Does it feel different to him too?

He opened the car door for me and then walked around the front of the car and climbed into the drivers side, flashing me a toothy smile before starting the car and pulling his seatbelt over his chest.

"I like your sweater." He stated as we pulled out of the parking lot and I could feel myself blushing at his compliment... as if he hasn't given me a hundred before.

"Are you gonna steal this one, too?" I asked and he chuckled and shook his head.

"Ha ha, very funny." He said sarcastically, "I do like the color though." He added and I shrugged and smiled to myself.

"Cherry red has always been one of my favorite colors."

We hummed along to the radio for the drive, i couldn't figure out where we were going until we were about 5 minutes out, and then the scenery started becoming familiar and I understood why he said to wear something comfortable. He pulled off the road into the small clearance and put the car in park, turning it off and looking to me. He brought me to see our stars. He quickly got out of the car before I even had time to take my seatbelt off, I fumbled with the clip quickly and my door was being opened. I looked to him as he held it open and held out his hand for me, I took his hand and slid off my seat and stood inches away from him as we stared at one another for a moment.

"You're not taking me out here to murder me and hide the body right? I... I used to watch a lot of criminal minds, I'll know what to do." I said softly and he tilted his head and smiled sweetly, I hope, remembering the first time he took me here almost a year and a half ago now.

"Watch your step." He said as he took a flashlight from the back seat and started leading the way up the pathway through the trees. When we approached the opening I could see a soft glow of lights sitting on the ledge. When we walked closer I could see the lights of the city, along with small battery operated tea light candles sitting on the edge of the drop off. There was a large blanket sitting on the ground with a few of the tea lights on each corner. In the center was a bottle of wine in a small ice bucket, with two glasses laying on their sides next to it. It was beautiful... it was all for us. I dropped his hand and walked to the ledge and looked out over the sea of soft glowing city light stars. I looked back to Harry as he was sitting down on the blanket, I walked over and sat beside him, crossing my legs under me.

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