Chapter 25: Schedules

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Larks POV

We finally reached the house after a while of running, technically I was on either Morgen or Ria's backs. And holding on for dear life...

I was in my room about to shower when I heard a screech from down the hall. Instead of climbing in the shower I raced down the stairs to find the Blonde haired Barbie who sat next to me at the tournament feast. She stood facing off against Ria, when I say facing off I mean Ria stood there like nothing mattered while Barbie stood bright red faced. Ej stood behind Barbie while all the roomies stood at the top of the stairs watching intently.

"Control that Barbie, this is my house. I don't want some lowly wolf threatening me." Ria growls menacingly and turns to walk away.

"How dare you!" Barbie shrieks, the wolves flinch from the high pitch of her voice but they all struggle to keep in their laughs. Ej who's stood behind Barbie is expressionless, not letting on what he's thinking. Ria's posture shows her disregard for the situation, she stands with her hand on her hip and the other twirling her short white hair.

"Did you hear anything guys?" Ria looks at each of the roomies and smirks before turning towards me to walk to her room. She winks at me and takes a single step.

I silently gasp when Barbie hurtles at Ria, instead of caring Ria sides steps and chuckles lightly. The girl nearly runs head first into me but gains her balance and spins on her heel.

The roomies and I watch captivated as Ria just steps to dodge all of Barbie's punches. Not a single hit lands on Ria and Barbies face begins to get red from anger.

"I am above you, you little coward!" Barbie screech's as she take a leap at Ria who just side steps with an exaggerated eye roll.

"Uh huh. Clearly." Ria just shrugs and rolls her eyes again.

"You tried to take Ej from me, then the prince, then Morgen, now you're disrespecting me! You've gone too far girl!" The Barbie screams which makes me giggle, the guys and Zim all watch amused too and Ria just keeps sidestepping the raging girl. Ej still stands their not even acknowledging the petty brawl. If you can call Ria sidestepping a weakling punch a brawl at least.

Ria's face looks bored as she yawns whether fake or real who knows. I watch in amazement as instead of dodging the oncoming punch Ria grabs the closed fist and bends it back. I hear an audible click and know that if Ria bends it any further the wrist will snap.

"Listen here, Runt. I am your Luna, don't disrespect me again. I don't need to explain myself to you but I will as I'm not a horrid person." Ria scowls, "Elijah is Alpha of our pack and makes his own decisions. Kyle is like a brother to me and Morgen... are you really that slow?" Ria bristles as the girl growls back, the female trembles at the power radiating off Ria. "He's my f*cking cousin! Now. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" A loud growl rumbles from deep within Ria's chest and she stalks past me up the stairs to her room.

I watch in amazement as Barbie sprints into Ej's room and returns with a pair of heels and her purse before she flees out of the house. I grin and return to my room in hopes of showering.


After a brisk hot shower I head downstairs, I plonk on the couch and lean back exhausted from the day.

The group make small talk until Ria returns with some toasties . She hands two to me and two to Morgen. I bite into them and float in heaven, they may just be toasties but I'm hungry. Leave me alone.. hehe.

The group chats about a few things and Callum comments on the fight with Barbie apparently her name is Britt, she's a werewolf. Not even a rider or Isalor which is sad.

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