Chapter 21- Lisa's first appearance

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I chuckled.

He is a cute child, isn't he?

I wonder how someone could express hate towards this person.

"Greetings.Yes it is me ,that girl that saved you that day.I didn't expect you to be such a important person to the society."

I can't reveal that I knew his identity from the moment I saw him.

I really wonder how could anyone be this blind.His beauty shines the brightest in this room.Even Cain doesn't have such beauty.

Suspiciously he looked at my eyes.Like a kitten sensing danger and scanning its surroundings.

"Yes...I do have an important title."

Oh so he doesn't show any weaknesses.He is using a mask to conceal his true emotions..I see.

"I didn't expect your family to invite us in this ball.We don't get invited often..."

His expression darkened.

"On the other side, I have to attend events like these every two days.Our family is well-known".

Before I could answer him he said:

"Let's leave formalities aside.You can call me Endymion.Your name miss savior?"

"Ah... Yes! My name is Rose! My father is the secretary of the president.Does it ring any bells?Nice to see you again!"

I extend my hand and asked for a handshake.

He avoided it.

"Well then enjoy your stay miss Rose."


Embarrassed I hide my hand behind my back.

"Yes! Thank you so much!"


The door?!

Me and Endymion look at the direction that the entrance was.

Why did people gather there?I can't see who entered the room!

"Oh my! Finally! She is here!"

Endymion's face lights up and ran towards the crowd.

"Where are you going? You might get hurt! There are too many people!"
I said and ran after him.

"Ugh! Ops! Sorry! Lemme pass please! Thank you!"I said and pushed through the crowd.

"Finally! I am on the other side!"

I gasp.

I don't believe it! The president and Lisa!

They made their appearance like in the novel.

Dad must have returned home as well.I wonder if he comes as well.

Endymion is standing next to Lisa smiling from ear to ear.

I am glad he is finally relaxed but...

This is also the moment that...

"President! President!?! Everyone make room!"said a servant.

It was time for President's and Endymion's father beginning of competition.

Nothing too much will happen in this scene but...

I get anxious.

When is mom coming back?

To be continued...

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