Chapter 36- Endymion blushing?!

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He standing in front of me.

I can't handle that much hotness!

Ah don't be so close.

I want to scream but I have to maintain the business smile.

"What is it young master?"I said with curiousity.

"What you say? What from everything?"


"You make such a good puzzled expression right now.You really don't know what you did?"

Did he notice me at the ball after all?!

"I am sorry master I didn't mean to-"

Before I could finish he shut my mouth with his bare hand.

"Mmm! Hmm!"


"Stop.You seem to know what you have done.So why do you spread rumours among the maids about me?"


When did that happen?

I don't understand?

"It is okay.Do not waste your breath.I will explain exactly what I mean."

He gets closer and whispers in my ear.

"You said that I am a good person?"

Oh! He meant that?

I can't keep my cool.

I quickly take his hand off my mouth.

"So you want to apologize?Huh?"he said with an sarcastic tone.


"What?"he said


I can't stop laughing.

So that is what he means.

"Have you gone crazy maid?"he said with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"HAHAHA....Ah- ha- Oh n-no.I don't mean to offend you young master.It is just this was so funny that I couldn't hold back my laugh"

I am so relieved it wasn't about the restaurant.

I thought he would misunderstand me and call me a spy or something.

"I mean what I said young master!"I said with a big smile.

"W-what?"he said.

Is he really blushing?


That moment is one in a million.

He is cold but gets embarrassed easily huh?

"Maid you sure are a strange one"

Oh I have heard that quite a lot ahaha.

"I am sorry for laughing young master"

He placed a hand between me and him.

"It is alright.Usually I don't get in situations like these with maids.This is a first for me.I was cold to you before but you called me good?"

He seems confused.

"Leave me alone.You can go back to your duties or whatever."

Aw it was fun though.

It is the first time I felt that comfortable with Endymion.

He gave me the feeling that I could in fact laugh and act this way.

Isn't that sudden?


It was really fun yesterday~

Endymion was blushing ahahaha.

What a sight...

It suits him better than the tears.

I remembered his terrified look when he was looking at Lisa's dead body.

I signed.

These days have been quite the roller coaster for me.

Suddenly I work as a maid and meet many new friends.

I admired Endymion and Lisa on their "date"

I had that episode with Lilly and Alex and also-

I touch my cheeks.

Those cheeks were hurt by Endymion's father and Alex.

It doesn't hurt anymore phew...

Alex didn't hit me as badly as Endymion's father.

I almost fell because of that pig!

Anyways, I will leave my troubles aside for a bit and focus more on the present.

I am still in bed.

I don't want to get to work~

Spare me lord!

"UGHHHH-"I scream on my pillow and get up.

I have to go to Endymion's room to help him change.

He has a business meeting today.

I dress up and went to Endymion's room.

I will not knock.

He is probably sleeping anyways.

I open the door and saw him inside the blankets.

I knew it!

He is so cute when he sleeps though.

I got close to the side of the bed in order to admire his sleeping face.

"How long do I have to pretend?"

"W-wha!"I jumped.

He was awake the whole time?!

He slowly got up and sat on his bed.

His pajamas are cute ahaha with small sheeps .

He looked at me.

"Are you afraid of waking me up or are you plotting something against me?"


"No no neither!I would never do something to harm you."I say with a loud voice.

He seems stunned.

"I meant it as a joke but you sure are a weird one"

He gets up and I help him get dressed.

Before he leaves he turns to look at me.

He uses a cold glare just like when he didn't want me to get close to Lisa.

I smiled at the memory.

His eyebrows twist.

"So you truly aren't scared of me."

He seems displeased.

"I am sorry young master.I didn't mean to offend you"I said.

"It is okay.Leave it be." Endymion said and left the room.

To be continued...

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