Chapter 74- The waiter returns

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I changed quickly and rushed outside of Endymion's room , where Alex and Lily were waiting for me.

"Come with us quickly!"they shouted and grabbed me by the arms , making us all run.

"H-Huh wait!"

I didn't have time to think or react , we quickly run towards the garden.

When we exited the building they smiled at each other and let me go.

"Now you go alone Elena! We will see you there! "they said and left in a rush.

Did they just call me 'Elena'? Just what is going on today?

What did Endymion do?

I need to be prepared for everything.

I sighed.

I wonder if the whole capital will be suspicious of me after the incident...Just what is Endy thinking?

I took a deep breath and fixed my posture.

"Okay you can do this.No matter what happens"I mumbled and gained some courage.

I walked towards the garden and saw so many people there and Endymion was in the center, talking to them.

I approached the crowd and when people noticed me they gasped.

"Lady Elena is here!"said a man with a smile on his face.


"Oh gosh she seems so cool in person! I heard from the nobles in that incident that she was the one who took out half of his army!"said a woman.

W-What is this now?

Everyone made way so I could go to Endymion, who was looking at me with admiration and love.

As soon as I stood next to him , he grinned and pulled me by the waist to stand closer to him.

"Endy was is the meaning of this?"I asked totally lost.

He patted me on the head and spoke up.

"Let them speak".

I turned towards the crowd confused.

They kneeled in front of me.

My jaw dropped and I was just speechless.

"Thank you our savior"they said.

A man raised his head with tears dripping down his cheek.

"If it weren't for you, we would always be in the darkness.This world being a loop...Us living the same lives over and over again.Now we have the chance to change our fate.And it is all thanks to you. "

Another woman spoke up with determination in her eyes.

"The mafia's leader only used us for many lives without revealing the truth. We all suffered but we thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

"Everyone..." I said and covered my mouth with both of my hands.

It is true...Everyone must have been used by him before he could find me.

It seems as if a loop he created to use people ends with me...

Not only Endymion was desparate and needed saving. These people were being used too.

I should show some confidence and find a way to end him once for all.

I crossed my arms and smiled.

"Everyone...You deserve to have your own fate in your hands.I am merely a fooled human, someone who has the power to create these worlds and make you live like this but this...You believe in me...I came here totally fooled and tried to change a man's fate but it seems that I need to put an end to this torture!" I said with confidence.

Endymion pulled me in an embrace.

"I am sorry for not saying anything but once I thought of this , I couldn't hold myself back. I wanted to show everyone what you have done" he said and smiled to himself before letting me go.

The crowd clapped and cheered.

I spotted my friends and my parents.

Lisa and Cain were also cheering for me.

"Please everyone enough" I said embarrassed and blushed.

I cleared my throat and spoke up.

"Please the previous victims help us gain information about how he-"

Before I could finish we heard a single clapping in the crowd.

A man could be heard clapping from the crowd.

He walked towards me and Endy with a smile on his face.

His aura feels strange.

I think I know this man.

He approached me and placed my hand in his.

"I guess you truly were the one I was looking for dear human"

Endymion's expression turned dark and he snatched my hand away from his and got between us, facing him eye to eye.

I gasped when I remembered who it was and gently pushed Endymion away, making eye contact with the man who didn't change his smile.

"You are that waiter from that restaurant!" I said.

Endymion seemed jealous and confused.

He crossed his arms and waited to hear more about me and the waiter in silence.

The mysterious waiter had dark green eyes and brown hair tied in a loose ponytail on his shoulder.

His personality seems a bit different though.

The man in front of us giggled and patted us on the head.

"Please kids don't get so alert. I am not someone who will snatch your lover away don't worry"he said with a smirk and glanced at Endymion.

Endymion was totally speechless.

"I am sure you are confused. I will explain everything" he said and snapped his fingers.

To be continued...

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