Chapter 53- Lisa's unexpected appearance

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I let her come in.

Why is Lisa here?

Could it be that something happened?

"Lisa are you alright? This wasn't an expected visit."I said and grab her hands.

She smiled but I could tell that her smile was fake.

So something did happen.

"Please don't worry. I am here to see Endymion. I- no my father sent some spies to see his every move outside this house."

So she isn't willing to tell me what happened. I don't think she is lying though. It must be the half of events that took place.

I let go of her hands.

I forced a smile.

"Please miss Lisa this way. Endymion must be in his room working. I will show you the way."I said and guided her to Endymion's room.

I opened the door for her and we both saw an Endymion signing a ton of papers on his desk.

Endymion noticed Lisa and came quickly to her side.He is puzzled.

He grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Is everything okay Lisa? You seem upset. You can't hide behind that smile."he said and shook her slightly.

Lisa seemed uncomfortable by his moves.

He quickly noticed and backed away. Then his gaze met mine.

"Can you please leave us alone?"he said with a pleading look.

I lowered my face.

"Okay young master."I said and left in a rush.

After closing the door instead of leaving I stayed and leaned against the wall next to his room.

I should have called him by his name like he told but... at that moment I was unable to do such a thing.My fake smile is fading.

I can hear them talking.

"Lisa!....What? Why would your father send spies without informing me! I have already Rose spying on him with my other men."

I am glad that Endymion mentioned me as part of his trusted spies.

"Endymion... Cain... Cain was found dead."


I covered my mouth with both hands. My eyes widened and my whole body got goosebumps.

" *Sniffles* He is dead Endymion... Endymion! I can't take this anymore! Your father is a monster! He wanted to steal me away from my father, then he wanted to kill us and now he killed the man I loved! *Sniffles*"

Cain... Lisa...

"Please don't cry Lisa... It pains me to see you cry. I will wipe your tears. Here. I will hug you tight and once you have calmed down you have to tell me everything."

I am sure that Endymion is as shocked as me but tries to stay calm for Lisa.He wants to support her.

But that is strange. Even though I wasn't around because I was faking being sick his other spies would have figured out this.

What a minute... Just whom Endymion arrange as his spies?

Could it be that his father noticed that and sent his men instead?

I have never met the other spies...

But Endymion would have noticed that...

Just what happened?

"Lisa. Do you know how he died? Are you sure that it was my father? My spies are the most trusted people I have since childhood. There is no way my father did something without them noticing."

" Lisa!? What are you doing? Put- put the knife down!"

A knife?!

Could it be?

I paused and my gaze was placed on his bedroom door.

That woman...Could it actually be her?

That woman isn't Lisa.

I quickly rushed in the room without a second thought.

That is right! There is no way Lisa would be that cold towards me and even use a weapon against Endymion !

I entered and I saw fake her sitting on top of Endymion with a knife pressed against his neck.

Endymion was shocked to see me. She on the other hand was rather happy to see me. Her lips curved into a smile.

"It is nice that you have someone to look after you Endymion ~ This maid didn't leave as I expected her to!~ How about I kill her first?"


Kill me?

Oh boy we have been there before...

*Sign* stay calm... Stay calm... think... Think...

Lisa can't take us both. If she gets up she will lose control of Endymion.

Endymion seems rather confused and hurt right now.

"Rose. Quickly leave and get my men! She can't kill us both. Try your best to stay calm."

Lisa is looking at me like a predator who is about to chase after it's prey.

I scanned around the room for any weapons I can use.

My eyes lands on a small mirror.

Ah! Here! The small mirror!

I quickly rushed to grab the mirror from his desk.

Lisa got angry and immediately let Endymion go.

"You-! You! You can't possibly be thinking that you stand a chance against me , can you?"

She rushed to my side with the knife she was holding.

I smirked.

"This is what you get,you bitch! -"I said .

Seconds before she could stab me with the knife on my stomach I quickly leaned and smashed the mirror on her face.

She screamed in pain. She let go of the knife she was holding and Endymion quickly held her down as I went and threw the knife away from her reach.

To be continued...

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