Chapter 37- Give me a cookie!

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I am cleaning the floor and I hear Alex's voice.

"Hey Rose!"

I get up and went to greet her.

"Did you finish your work Alex?"

She is pretty skilled, isn't she?

"Yes I did! I came to pick you up for dinner!"

Oh yes I completely forgot.

I have been thinking about Endymion all morning.

"I am not finished yet!"I say and pointed at the dirty floor.

"It is alright!"Alex said and dragged me out by the arm.

"W-wha?!"I let out a small scream of suprise.

We went together to eat.

During the lunch time me and Alex convinced the other maids to give Endymion one more chance.

"So he really was worried about you?!"a maid said suprised.

I smiled.

"Well he saw me crying and he showed his caring side in his unique way.He loves to tease, doesn't he? Hahah"

The maids can't believe what I just told them.

"I...I have never viewed master this way.I want to give him a second chance and see his true colours behind his coldness."Lilly said.

The maids nodded.

I got so excited.

"Yay! We should go and clean his room before he comes back from the meeting right? Maybe we should leave him some cookies as a small present!"I said with a loud voice.

They nodded with determination and excitement.

We cleaned his room well.

Before we left we left some cookies on his desk.

I hope he likes them!


I am glad I made some people believe in him more and try to understand him more.

It is a great step to reach higher.

We weren't even supposed to clean his room.

"Bang* *Bang*

Who is it outside my room?

It is the middle of the night?

I opened the door quickly.

"Young master?!"

It is him in the clothes that I gave him this morning.

He took that long at work huh?

He is carrying the cookies we left him?

"What are you doing at this hour here young master?"I asked and let him enter my room.

I wonder what he wants.

He sat on my bed and carefully placed the cookies on the table next to the bed.

"Were you the one behind this?"he asked without an expression and looked at me.


I nodded.

"Yes young master.Are they cookies not your liking? Sorry..."

But in the book it said he always ate cookies...

"No it is not that."he said and got up.

Why is he approaching me?

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him in the eyes.

"What do you want from me maid?"

What is he talking about?

"What do you mean young master?"

I don't understand.

I didn't plan it to end up like this.

"Don't play dumb with me."

He is glaring at me.

"No young master! I haven't done anything against you my lord!"

He looked at me with disgust.

Don't make that face Endymion.

"Please...I just wanted to help you and I didn't think cookies would offend you master..."

I don't know what to say.

No matter what I say, he is suspicious of me and will not believe me...

That caused an intense pain in my heart.


I need to stay calm.

"I am sorry master but I truly didn't have any evil intentions."

I smirked.

"This is how you want to play?"I said with confidence.

I take the ball of cookies and show it to him.

"Pick one" I said.

He seemed surprised with my sudden change of attitude and did as I told him.

I took the cookie he gave me and ate it in one bite.

"I told you.Hmmmm! It is so tasty!"and smirked again.

I took the bowl and hid it behind my back.

"Since master doesn't want them I will eat them on my own! Hahaha"

He raised an eyebrow.

He doesn't seem to dislike the teasing I did.

"Alright keep them"


I thought you would beg me to get them back!


He gets up to leave.

"No!~ You should eat the biscuits young master! The maids made them for you!"

He looked behind at me.

"They made them?"

I smiled and locked eyes with him.

"Yes my lord.I want them to see how kind you are and treat you with politeness and respect that comes straight from the heart."

His eyes widen as if he isn't used to this kind of attitude.

"Give them to me"

I nodded and handed the bowl to him.

"I am sorry for suspecting you so much.I usually don't interact with maids so they misunderstand me a lot."

Oh he is opening up a bit.

"I know that young master."

"Huh? You are a lot stranger than I thought.I give you the right to get close but I don't trust you wholeheartedly just so you know."

I almost screamed when I heard those words.

To be continued...

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