Chapter 73- Let's become the center of the world

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A few hours after our emotional moment we moved to Endymion's room and sat on the bed next to each other.

Endymion held my hand and started talking.

"Elena , everyone wants to see you. I will announce that you have awaken but I believe it is better to state the facts first."

I nodded and connected our fingers.

"Yes. From what we know , he manipulated me to get in here. After that he went and replaced my existence in my world."

I will try my best to remain calm because suddenly I feel so much rage....I just want to cut off his head...I never thought I would ever wish this much death to someone...

"And we have been living everything over and over again."he said and sighed.

Endymion...I stroked his hand with my thumb.

He smiled tenderly and looked in my eyes.

"I am glad you came for me. You changed everything in this world".

"I was just a plaything this whole time I-" I said suprised.

Before I could go on he sealed my lips with his finger.

"Shh.... Don't talk like that about my future wife " he said with a smirk.


I blushed when I heard him and a big smile appeared on my face.

"Endymion...You really are..."

I grabbed his hand and placed it on my head.

He chuckled and started patting me.

"From now on I will protect you. Now that we know the truth...I still feel responsible for your pain..."he said with a bitter smile.

I patted him as well.

"What are you talking about Endy? You always were there for me when I was down. Even when we met you gave me a chance to get close to you so much. You are perfect for me. I expect you to be there , next to me, when we fight together."

He stared at me with a loving gaze.

"I will."

I stopped patting him and placed my hand under my chin.

"We should find a way to get to your world" he added and turned serious.

"Hm...But that would make everything unstable, right?"

He nodded.

"Yes it is a risk but we have no other choice".

I see...I also can't think of anything else.

"You are right...We should make it quick... but...How will we even go to my world?"

He thought for a moment.

" When he was talking to you I could hear everything , I just couldn't move...He said he made himself the center of this world...So-" 

I gasped when an idea crossed my mind.

"So he became to main character. Everyone in this world was influenced by him and had some kind of relationship with him. If we do the same and gain everyone's attention maybe...We could figure out something..."

He kissed me on the cheek.

"Great minds think alike my Elena. I was thinking of the same thing."

I smiled warmly.


I cupped his cheeks with my hands and smiled confidently.

" I do feel terrible but believe me if I had to do this again to save you , I would".

He was taken aback by my determination and his eyes widened.

"Elena..." he mumbled and blushed.

He placed his hands on top of mine and a huge smile appeared acrossed his lips.

"I love you."

He glanced at my wound.

"And this will never happen again. Over my dead body. I will truly crush his brains the moment I see him. Remember that. No more talking Elena."

That sent chills down my spine.

Saying that with such a beam is....kinda creepy haha....

But he is smiling so happily even after remembering his past lives.

I am glad he can still smile like this.

"Endymion can you please bow down your head a bit?" I said.

He did it without answering.

The next moment he felt my lips pressing against his forehead.

" I love you too my Endy and we will crush him together. I really hate him with a burning passion. I want to beat him up so badly that he can't even stand up anymore. You are right no more talk. Just bang bang and you are basically done. Hmph" I said and sulked.

He chuckled and raised his head to meet my eyes again.

"Let's gather every single person outside the mansion tomorrow. I will anounce it.People are terrified and remembered their past lives too.I am sure they will look for answers."

I nodded with a smile.

We will use the same trick. Become the main characters and see what happens.

After our chit chat Endymion ordered one maid to send invitations and throw posters all over the city saying that we know information about the situation.

I spent the rest of the night in his room and we slept in each other's arms for comfort.

The next day, I woke up and didn't see Endy next to me.

Suddenly , two maids burst in the room.

I immediately sat on my bed suprised.

" Girls? What-"

Lily and Alex rushed to my side with tears running down their cheeks.

They hugged me close.

"I hate you stupid!" shouted Alex.

"We are so glad that you are alright!" said Lily.

I was a bit shocked but I hugged them back with a big smile on my face.

"Young master told everyone everything."they said and sat next to me.

"Everything?" I said suprised.

They nodded.

"We don't have time to explain! Please dress up and come out! Everyone is waiting!"

Oh. It must be about the gathering we were talking about , but did we agree that I would appear?

They will be suspicious of a person who can change her appearance and cause a fuss.

Before I had any time to ask more they left in a rush.

I sighed and giggled.

"I guess Endy acted a bit on his own. Let's just play along" I said and went to change.

To be continued....

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