Day 4 - Germany

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You're Iggy's Sister btw in this 


"Luddy, please! Why don't you want to spend time with me?"

"Of course I do, Liebe, but this is business work."

"Okay," I replied deflated, "I'll see you later then," I continued before walking off, back upstairs. I flopped onto our bed and sighed, Does Luddy even love me anymore? If he does still love me, then why has he been ignoring me these past weeks? (An, I actually typed 'pasta' instead of 'past') If he is ignoring me, why Francis of all people? Wouldn't he say that it was Feliciano he had to do something with? These thoughts kept running through my head until I fell asleep.


The next day, the same thing happened. I tried to get Ludwig to spend the day with me, however, once again, "Liebe, I'm sorry but I have vork to do."

"On Christmas Eve?" I asked. Luddy, please. Tell me. There was one thought that was running through my head, Luddy, please don't be cheating on me. Even though I knew he never would, it didn't stop the thought from coming to my head.

"Ja, I'm sorry Liebe, but ve're having an emergency meeting und it's important."

I sighed, "Okay. I understand. Your work comes before your love," before walking out the door as I had already put my shoes on. I walked down to the nearest supermarket because we needed food for the next day, but due to my thoughts clouding my head, I didn't notice the car speeding towards me.


I woke up in the hospital to bright lights and everyone surrounding me, "W-What happened?"

"Vell, where vas ein accident, Frau." Gilbert.

"Where's Ludwig?"

Gilbert didn't reply but just pointed to the side of my bed where I noticed Ludwig sitting, holding my hand and asleep. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand from his grasp, therefore waking him up.

"Liebe? Jou're okay."

"Explain. Now," I growled at him.


"Why have you been ignoring me this past week? And also spending time with Francis over me?!" I spoke, tears staining my eyes.

He looked towards Arthur before gaining a nod in return. This confused me before Ludwig turned back to me, "(Y/n), I wasn't ignoring jou. Vell, actually I vas but I vas only hanging out viz Francis to ask for advice on how to do zis," he spoke before getting down on one knee, pulling a ring out from his pocket, "Vill jou marry me?"

My eyes widened and more tears came to my eyes, happy tears this time though, "YES!" I squeaked. He stood up and placed the ring on my finger before kissing me. We broke off just in time for the door to open, "I see you're awake."

I nodded, "So what exactly has been damaged?" I asked, questioningly.

"Thankfully, you came out of the accident with only a broken leg."

It took me a moment to process what the doctor had said but when I did, "Wait, 'thankfully'?! What does that mean? 'Only a broken leg'?! What the bloody hell do you mean by that?!"

"What I mean is that it would have been worse had your stomach been damaged. Would have harmed the baby."

"What that bloody hell are you talking about?!"

The doctor took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, "You're pregnant."


"You didn't know?"

"Bloody hell, I didn't know. I'm going to be a mother..." Once the news had sunk in, I smiled, "Finally."

"Congratulations. Also, you'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow but after that, you'll need to come back in a few weeks to both check up on your leg as well as the little one."

I nodded before turning to Arthur, who was currently muttering incoherent words, "I'm going to, bloody hell, I'm going to be an uncle."

"That's right, Artie." I smiled at him before turning back to Ludwig, who also had a smile on his face, "Und I'm going to be a father."

"And you'll be a great one, Luddy. I'm sure of it," I replied, leaning up and kissing him, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Liebe."

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