Day 2 - Greg Lestrade

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Fandom: BBC Sherlock

Prompt: None

Reader's Relations: Sherlock and Mycroft's sister

Other Notes: It takes place a few years after Season 4.


I sighed as read the text message from John, mentioning that he'd managed to force Sherlock to stay in bed due to the cold he had but he'd been asked to come to a crime scene and John's message to me was asking me to go instead so Sherlock could get better. I stood up and responded saying I'd go, knowing how hard it was to get Sherlock to take a break and put my shoes on, grabbing my coat before going out into the Winter air, remembering to lock the door behind me. During this, my phone had buzzed again with another message from John, giving me the address that, I guessed, Sherlock had been sent, and I smiled, hailing a cab.

Upon arriving, I paid the driver and got out, walking over to where all the police officers were standing around.

"Who are you? And where's the Freak?"

"It would be greatly appreciated if you stopped calling my brother a freak," I replied pulling out my ID card, "Sherlock's got a cold, I'm here in his place. I see you've been scrubbing floors again, Donovan," I smirked, stepping underneath the police tape.

"Good afternoon, Detective Inspector Lestrade. I trust Sherlock told you I was coming instead? I'm (Y/n), by the way. Sherlock managed to get a cold, probably due to lack of sleep and the cold weather, would you still like help? I apologise for it being me rather than my brother, but I've already explained why he's not here," I spoke, turning around to give Donovan the middle finger for being bitchy to me without knowing why I was there. After I received silence in response, I looked back towards the Detective Inspector and waved my hand in his face, "Hello? Anyone there?"

That seemed to snap him from his daze, "Sorry. I guess I just got distracted. The body's over here. All we've found is that she was killed via a gunshot to the back of the head."

I nodded as he led me over to where the body was. I got closer and started looking over her, noticing several things. Making sure I had a pair of gloves on, I noticed the ring on her finger and lifted her hand up, the ring easily coming off when I pulled it. After a few minutes, I stood up, "Brother-in-law's the killer."


I let out a small giggle, knowing exactly what Sherlock would have said in response, but I had my own response, "Ring is clean on the inside but not the outside, showing an unhappy marriage. The ring was regularly removed as it came off quickly, five years old, taking from the dust and dirt on the outside of the ring. Text messages between her and her husband don't line up, several questions from her husband have been left unanswered, showing she was trying to hide something.." I continued to explain my reasoning, "..So brother-in-law impregnated her, but to stop her from telling her husband, he killed her. I trust that once the full Autopsy Report is complete, it'll read that she was pregnant when killed. Take this, for times when you need a bit of extra help, but don't want to have to deal with Sherlock's shenanigans," I finished, taking out my small notepad and writing down my phone number, handing it to him, "Here you go, Detective Inspector. Let me know when you've apprehended the brother-in-law. I like to know when I've completed a case." I gave him a small smile before turning around and walking off, but before I could leave the scene, a hand grabbed my wrist, "Thank you for your help, and tell Sherlock that I hope he gets better soon. Also, just call me Greg."

I smiled and turned around, allowing him to let go of my wrist, "In that case, you just call me (Y/n)."

"Well then, (Y/n), until next time."

I nodded and smiled turning around and leaving properly this time.

---------------------A FEW YEARS LATER

"I'm sorry we're late," I apologised, taking off my coat and handing it up, making sure to keep my gloves on however, "There was something that Greg wanted to do before we came over. Said something about wanting to do it when it was just us, but we're here now," I smiled and pecked Greg on the cheek, causing his face to turn pink, resulting in giggles from me. I took my shoes off and sat down on the sofa, just in time for Rosie to run and jump up, sitting next to me, "(Y/n)!"

I chuckled again and returned the hug she gave me, "Hello to you too, Rosie. Merry Christmas by the way."

"Did you bring me a present?!" she asked, getting more excited at the mention of Christmas. Before I could say anything, John had spoken up, "Rosie, please give (Y/n) her personal space."

"Sorry," Rosie responded, moving away from me a bit, causing me to giggle and lean over, ruffling her hair, "It's alright, you don't need to apologise, but yes, I do have something for you." her face lit up as I reached into the bag I'd brought with me, taking out the gift I'd wrapped for her, "Here."

She smiled widely and opened it carefully, making sure to keep the wrapping paper intact. Once it was completely revealed, her smile widened, and she hugged me, "Thank you! Daddy, can you help me put it on, please?" Rosie stood up and walked over to John, the fluffy jumper in her hands as she held it out to him. He chuckled in response and bent down, taking it from her and helping her get it over her head. Once he'd stood back up he realised what the jumper made Rosie look like and he glared at me, causing me to just laugh, "It's cute, plus, I know your fondness for Hedgehogs, John. Are you annoyed I didn't get you a matching one?"

"(Y/n), why are you wearing gloves inside?"

I froze up, not wanting Sherlock to realise the real reason, even though I had a feeling he'd already worked it out but he just wanted me to admit it to annoy me. At this point, Rosie had climbed back on my lap and was messing with my gloves, probably what had alerted Sherlock to the fact I was wearing gloves in the first place, but before I could stop her she'd pulled the left one off.

Immediately, Sherlock was glaring at Greg, having noticed the ring on my finger, but before he could say anything, I spoke up, "Sherlock, I know what you're going to say, but it's not you who gets to decide who I marry, and before you try to counter me, Greg asked Mum and Dad first if it was alright for him to propose and they said yes so, you can't say anything." I spoke, removing Rosie from my lap, and standing up, crouching down beside my bag again and pulling out a much smaller wrapped gift than the one I'd handed to Rosie, and sat down on the sofa again next to Greg, "Here, may as well give this to you now before Sherlock deduces me."

Greg smiled and complied, unwrapping the gift and just looked at me, "Is this real?"

I nodded and hugged him, "Yeah. You're gonna be a dad. And you," I paused and turned to Sherlock, "Are NOT allowed to show them any of your experiments, I don't want their innocence ruined at a young age."

"I'll try..."

"Good Sherlock," I smirked, petting his head, "You're almost back in my good books. Now who wants more presents?"

—-----------------END OF ONESHOT

Day 2 done, yeah this didn't go how I intended... but it's written.

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