Day 4 - New Scamander

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Fandom: Fantastic Beasts

Prompt: None

Reader's Relations: Newt's girlfriend

Other Notes: This is set in the modern day by the way


"Oh come on, Pickett. There's no need for that attitude."

I just giggled as the bowtruckle in question stuck his tongue out at Newt, blowing a raspberry, causing him to look in my direction, "What?"

"It's cute. You treat your creatures like children. I wonder what you'd be like with actual children, Newt," I replied, leaning over and pecking his cheek, wrapping my arms around him. I broke off when I felt a weight on my shoulder and looked to my left to see Pickett sitting there, glaring at Newt, causing me to giggle again at his protests, "Pickett, going to (Y/n) won't help your case."

"Come on, Newt. It's hard to stay mad at him when he's this cute," I spoke, letting Pickett ride on my shoulder as I walked over to the baby nifflers, hearing Newt muttering something about Pickett favouring me. After feeding the nifflers I walked back over to Newt, "I'm sure Pickett still loves you. I'd probably just call it a 'phase' that he's being grumpy with you. I have a feeling he'll be back to riding in your pocket in a few weeks, or even before then."

I gave him another peck on the cheek and turned around, walking towards the stairs so I could go and get some food for myself, having been down with all the creatures all day. Just as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I felt Newt grab my wrist, "(Y/n), about what you said earlier... what did you mean about the whole 'children' thing?"

"Oh, I was just stating that you treat the creatures like your children and that I was wondering if you'd treat human children the same," I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck, and leaning into his ear, "Because I think you'd be a great father."

Without another word, I left him there completely stunned as to what I was implying as I made my way up the stairs and into the kitchen to get some food. A few minutes later, just as I was getting a plate out, I felt arms wrap around my waist. Now, if it hadn't been 10 o-clock at night, and we hadn't made sure that all the doors and windows were locked, I probably would have screamed, but due to the gently touch and the fact that I knew there was only one person who would dare to wrap their arms around my waist, I didn't.

"Hey, Newt. Did you need something?" I asked, turning around after I placed the plate down on the bench, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Not entirely, but I would like you to tell me something. What exactly were you implying earlier? When you said I'd be a good father?"

I giggled, my heart rate increasing at the fact that he was starting to work out what I meant/what I wanted, "I meant exactly what I said. You'd be a great father, Newt, and honestly," I paused and bit my lip, not wanting to tell him what I was trying to tell him because I knew he already felt like all his creatures were his 'children' I was unsure whether he'd want human children around too, but I put the thoughts aside and continued, "I want to have kids."

I muttered it more to myself than him and looked down, avoiding eye contact with him, so I didn't have to see his reaction, leading me to be extremely surprised and let out a scream when Newt picked me up, causing me to tighten my grip around his neck, "Newton Artemis Fido Scamander! Put me down!"

"I understand now, (Y/n), and we're not going to have children if we just stand around her waiting."

I gasped and realised what he meant, causing my face to turn red as he continued to carry me up to our shared bedroom.


"Thank you, Queenie, but how did you know?" I spoke, placing the small white knitted boots to one side so I could fold up the wrapping paper, "We haven't even told anyone yet."

"Oh, Honey, I can read your mind remember?" Queenie replied, "You shouldn't have been thinking about it the last time you saw us." I mentally slapped myself at forgetting the fact that Queenie was a legillimens and smiled, standing up and placing the small boots in the draw where I'd put the first ultrasound of mine and Newt's baby. I returned to the living room to see Newt and Theseus talking to each other in a corner of the room, the latter grasping the former's other arms.


"You've got this, just ask her. What could go wrong?"

"She could say no. Theseus, you don't know how much I love her, it's going to hurt too much if she says no."

"Which is not going to happen. I know that. She loves you, right?" I nodded and he continued, "She's going to say yes, I know it. She's carrying your child, Newt. She wanted you to be the father of her child/children, because she might want more in the future, she's not going to say no."

"If she does, I'm never speaking to you again," I replied, as he let me go and I fiddled with the small box in my pocket, before walking back over to where (Y/n) was sitting.


"(Y/n), I need to ask you something..."

I snapped from my daze of thinking about the future, and looked up at Newt, "Hm? Of course, go ahead Newt." I could see him shaking and I could tell his heart rate had increased as he fiddled with something in his pocket, "(Y/n), I love you so much and... well I'm not good at this so I'm going just going to get straight to the point. It would make my Christmas if you were to marry me," he spoke, getting down on one knee in front of where I was sitting, pulling out a small box from the pocket he has his hand in earlier. I gasped loudly, feeling tears come to my eyes, "Of course!" I could see him breathe a sigh of relief as he sat down next to me, placing the ring on my finger. I just smiled, kissing him, "Were you nervous about asking me?" He gave a slight nod and I giggled, "There was no need to be Newt. I would have said yes any time. Plus I'm already carrying your child, what made you think I would say no?"

Instead of a response, he just dug his head into my neck in embarrassment causing a chuckle to leave my mouth, "It's okay. I understand."

------------------END OF ONESHOT

Day 4 written! This was supposed to originally be a completely different oneshot, but I thought of this this morning and wanted to write it before th other, the other will get written as part of FandomMas, I just don't know when.

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