Day 19 - England

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Prompt: Character A's little sibling/child wants to meet their favourite celebrity/writer/person for Christmas. Character B is said "Christmas present".

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: None

Reader's Occupation: Author

Warnings: None

Other notes: This includes Malta, my OC in her small glory, also this is with mini Alfred (Like child Alfred).

----------------------------ENGLAND'S POV

"Yo, Iggy! Can you please take us to meet her?!"


Alfred just shoved a piece of paper in my face, "(Y/n) (L/n)! She's like the best children's author of all time and she's doing a book signing at our local library! Please can we go?!"

"Please can we go?" Scarlett asked, looking up from the book she was reading on the sofa, "Please?"

"I suppose so, there's nothing else I need to do today."

The two of them smiled and hugged me, "Yes!"

--------------------YOUR POV

Being an author was hard. Especially when I'm a children's author that has no children so I don't know whether the children who end up reading the books I write will actually like it. I just put the thoughts to the back of my head as I continued singing books. That was when a man with two small children came to the front of the line. I smiled at the two of them, "Hello."

"Hello! This is better than I expected being able to meet you!"

I giggled, "T-thank you, now what are your names? So I can personalise these for you."

The girl was the one to speak up, "I'm Scarlett, with two 't's on the end, and this idiot, is Alfred."

I smiled and nodded, getting two copies of the most recent book I'd written and writing a message to each of them in the books, before handing the two of them their copies, "Here you go." They smiled happily and ran off, leaving, who I guessed was their guardian, behind. I breathed a sigh of relief that they were the last ones and I cracked my knuckles, my hand hurting after a whole day of writing in books. I started packing the books back into the boxes that I had for them, when a voice caught my attention, "You know, the two of them really like your books, they were pestering me all morning to get me to bring them to meet you. I'm Arthur by the way."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Arthur. As you know, I'm (Y/n), if you don't mind me asking, how are you related to those two? If you are that is."

"Oh, Alfred's my little brother, and Scarlett.... Well it's complicated. I guess you could say I'm her guardian, but they're not my children, if that's what you're asking."

"I was just intrigued, considering they don't look like you."

However, our conversation was interrupted, "Mr Arthur, Alfred stole my book and he won't give it back to me."

"Don't worry, Scarlett, I'll get it back for you." The little girl smiled and Arthur ran off out of the library, the same direction that Alfred had ran off. Scarlett was about to do the same, but I called her back, "Scarlett, could you do me a favour?" I asked, writing down something on a piece of paper, "Can you please give this to your guardian once you get home?"

"Of course! Mr Arthur needs a girlfriend, and having you as a mother would be amazing!" and with that she was out of the library, leaving me with a bright red face, with blush and embarrassment.

------------ENGLAND'S POV

Once we got home, Scarlett caught my attention by tapping me on my leg, "Miss (L/n) told me to give this to you. I don't know what's on it, but she just told me to give it to you when we got home. Now if you'll excuse me I have a book to go and read." she shoved a piece of paper in my hand and dashed off upstairs, the book in her hand. I looked back down at the piece of paper and unfolded it to reveal a number with the caption, "Call me tomorrow. - (Y/n)."

And so, the next day, I did and we arranged to meet to know each other better after I'd got one of my friends to look after Alfred and Scarlett for the day, which was easier said than done...

---------------YOUR POV

Let's just say that the 'date' went well and we ended up dating a few weeks later, then another year later, Arthur proposed and of course I said yes, which send Scarlett and Alfred into hyper mode. I was happy with my new family and of course, Scarlett and Alfred wanted to be my editors. Each time I was done with a chapter, they read over it and told me what they thought should be changed, which most of the time was nothing. Who would have thought that a signing session would end up giving me the love of my life and the best family in the world?

----------------END OF ONESHOT

And done! Finally. I'll try to get yesterday's written this afternoon too or after I have had my dinner this evening. But I hope to get yesterday's and today's also written today.... Or at least one more today.

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