Day 2 - John

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Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Reader's Relations: Sherlock's sister (hehe)

Warnings: Spoilers for s4 (as this takes place after this)

Other Notes: None that I can think of


"Miss (Y/n)?"

"Hm? Yes, Rosie? What can I do for you?" I asked, bending down to the now 7-year-old. She just gave me a cheeky smile, "Do you like Papa?"

My eyes widened and I chuckled, "Of course, he's one of my best friends, Rosie."

This just caused her to pout, "No, I mean do you love him?"

I gulped, How is a seven-year-old so smart?, "Why do you ask that?"

"It's just that I know Papa loves you, and I want a mum again. So..."

"Oh... I see."

-----------------CHRISTMAS DAY

"(Y/n), come here."

"Nope," I replied, before turning my attention back to Rosie, who had asked me to help her with something.

"(Y/n), it's important," Sherlock persisted, which caused me to roll my eyes and turn to him, "Well, if it's that important to you, then you can learn some manners and ask me nicely."

"Fine. Please can you follow me for a minute, (Y/n)?"

I smiled and stood up, "Very well, thank you for being polite, Sherly," I spoke, before turning to Rosie, patting her on the head and telling her I'd be back in a few minutes before following Sherlock. When I realised where we were going, "Sherlock, why in the world are you shutting us in a wardrobe?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not, 'us' (Y/n)."

"Fine, why are you shutting me in a wardrobe, then?"

Instead of replying, he just walked out the door and closed it, locking it as well, causing me to get annoyed at him, and shout for him to let me out, when that did nothing, I got more angry, "WILLIAM SHERLOCK SCOTT HOLMES! LET ME OUT OF HERE THIS INSTANT! YOU BLOODY KNOW I HATE THE DARK!"

The minute I'd said that, the wardrobe got brighter and I realised that the lights had been turned on, and I heard a voice I recognised, "I'm sorry you got stuck in here, (Y/n)."

"Eek! John, you scared me."

"Sorry, I don't know why we're both stuck in here though."

This caused me to giggle before I realised and my face went red, "I-I have a feeling I know why, John. Y-you see, a few weeks ago, I was talking to Rosie, and she was asking me questions about who I liked and that sort of thing, she's smart of a seven year old, probably because she's related to you," I giggled out, elbowing him a tad.

"(Y/n), continue with your explanation please. Don't try and change the subject."

I sighed and gulped, "Well, she got it out of me who it was that I liked a-and when I told her it was you, she told me that you liked me back, as in like more than a friend, and I have a feeling she probably told Sherlock, if he hadn't worked it out already, and then this is them working together to get us to confess... But I'd understand if you don't actually feel the same way I do and that Rosie was just trying to mess with my feelings or something, even though I-" I stopped talking when John placed a hand on my cheek, before he kissed me. My face went bright red but I soon melted into it and kissed him back, to the point where eventually he was lying on the floor on his back with me on top of him. It also got to the point where we didn't hear the door open until we heard, "Does this mean I get to call you 'Uncle Sherly' now?" My head shot around and I saw Sherlock standing there with Rosie on his back, a smile on both their faces, something unnatural for the former.

"That depends," john spoke up before Sherlock had the chance to reply, "On whether (Y/n) wants to become my girlfriend... do you, (Y/n)?"

I giggled and stood up before offering him a hand to help him up too. I smirked and elbowed him again lightly, "Of course, I'd love that. Merry Christmas, John."

"Merry Christmas to you  too, (Y/n)."


Yeah... so this was started ages ago and since I paused writing it, I've watched the end of The Great Ace Attorney playthough I was watching... and so I think the two Sherlocks may have got a bit muddled (as the one in tgaa is a dork literally (imo) and doesn't get his deductions right most of the time, and also likes to dance a lot so.... Yeah they may have got a bit muddled... oops)

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