Day 15 - France

13 0 0

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Malta (My OC)'s Sister (cause I want to and I thought it would add more to it)

Warnings: Sad Reader-Chan

Other notes: Thanks to my friend on Discord who decided on the character to do this for (I thought of the plot and they suggested to do France for it), and for the purpose of this oneshot, your birthday is the 24th of December - it's needed for a plot point. If it's not then pretend. Also for this, I am using the countries as humans (but their physical ages are thrown out the window, cause of children reasons...) cause it's easier and thinking of them as actual countries that are immortal makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason, idk why.


Christmas Eve. A day when lots of people get very excited because the next day is Christmas Day. Almost everyone gets excited, and I say almost because I for one don't. My birthday is the 24th of December, aka Christmas Eve, and due to this for the first 20 odd years of my life, my birthday was completely overlooked. Not even my sister remembered. I suppose she now did have a lot on her plate after marrying Matthew and with their two kids and a third on the way, but still. Even when Francis had taken her 'hostage' for two years claiming her as 'his', there wasn't even a letter from her saying happy birthday.

I was brought out of my inner monologue/narration of my life by my sister, "(Y/n)? (Y/n/n)-Bear? You okay?" I snapped out of it, "Y-yeah, I'm great, Scarlett. No need to worry about me!"

She smiled, "That's a relief. I was just saying that I just need to get something for Mattie and then we can go back!"

I nodded, "Okay! Got any ideas on what to get him?" She nodded her head, sparkles in her eyes, "I have the perfect thing already! I just need to pick it up from the photo-shop place. I have no idea what it's called, but yeah from there." (Totally not Author-Chan not knowing what it would be called either and trying to cover it up by making Scarlett not know... shh.)

I smiled, "You going to tell me?"

"Nope! You have to wait." I just looked at her with a deadpan look on my face and she giggled, "Fine, I'll tell you. I've ordered this photo album custom made of a load of photos of me and Mattie and the family. There's some of him and Alfred as small children that Arthur gave me, there's one of Celeste's first Christmas and of of Luna's first Christmas, then there's birthday photos- you get the idea."

"Wow, I'm sure Matthew would love it!"

She smiled again, "Yeah, I hope so, cause I have no idea what else to get him. Christmas Day is a special day and I want to make him happy. It's what you do for the ones you love."

"Y-yeah," I replied sadly, before perking up slightly, "You know, the 24th of December is a 'special day' too."

"Of course it is, Christmas Eve is when all the small children get really excited and it takes a long time to calm them down because it's only one more sleep until Christmas Day!"

I sighed, "There's something else special about the 24th though."

"Really? What is it?"

And my face fell, "I-it doesn't matter, come on, let's go and pick up this photo album, I wanna get home!"


I had been lying on my bed, thinking, well day-dreaming really, when I was brought from it by a man who I knew for a fact would be murdered if Scarlett knew he was in the house, and who I had also fallen madly in love with, little to my sister's knowledge, she'd go and murder him before I had a chance to tell him my feelings, "(Y/n)? Cherie? Est-ce que ça va?" I snapped from my thoughts, "Huh? Oh hello, Francis, y-yeah, I'm fine. I-I was just thinking."

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