Day 20 - Victor

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Prompt: Thankies to my friendo on Discord for giving me this plot, and I decided to do Victor, due to the severe lack of Yuri on Ice in this book so far...

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Yuuri's sister


Other notes: Sorry this is a day late, I might get tomorrow's done as well tonight, but let's see how long it takes me to write this...


The first time I met the Great Victor Nikiforov in person was when he'd turned up at the Hot Springs saying he was going to be Yuuri's coach. I had to control my fangirling after it had been decided that he was going to be staying with us. Once I'd got to know him properly, I developed a crush on him, however, I was never going to tell him, with him being an amazing figure skater, he probably had a girlfriend already if he didn't have girls hanging off of him.


"(Y/n)! Hey, hey (Y/n). (Y/n/n). Hey (Y/n)."

I sighed and turned to him, "What do you need, Victor?"

"I was just wondering, what do girls like you usually like for Christmas presents? We don't celebrate Christmas in Russia the same as you do, so I need a little help on what to get for one of my friends who I know celebrates Christmas the same as you."

"I'm guessing you mean your girlfriend that you speak of so highly."

He nodded and I continued, "Well what I'd suggest for her would be..." I thought for a minute, before telling him what I thought most girls like me would like for presents. He smiled and hugged me, "You are the best! Thank you, (Y/n)!" And with that he was off. I sighed and walked up to my room, flopping onto my bed. I tried not to cry, knowing it was stupid that such an amazing skater wouldn't have a significant other already, especially when he has those amazing good looks.


Over the next few weeks, I tried to forget my feeling for Victor, even though they came back whenever he talked to me, my face erupting in a blush whenever he was close to me, however, I failed completely, in fact, my attempt at repression of these feelings only made the stronger, and it got to the point where I couldn't even look at him without bushing. I know Yuuri had noticed, as despite how out of character it was for him, he kept asking me about it. However, this all changed on Christmas Day...


"(Y/n)! Happy Christmas! I got you something!"

I turned to look at him, before Makkachin swiftly jumped on me. I giggled and stroked him as Victor helped me up. I smiled and looked at him, "Y-you did? Let me see! Let me see!"

He chuckled at my childish attitude before taking a box out from behind his back and handing it to me. I smiled and opened it immediately, seeing the exact thing that I'd suggested for him to get for his girlfriend. My expression turned to one of confusion and Victor noticed, "D-do you not like it?"

"No! No, I love it, Victor, thank you, but I thought I had suggested this for you to get your girlfriend, not for me."

"A-about that, (Y/n), I don't have a girlfriend."

"WHAT?! But 1, You told me you did! And 2, How do you not?!"

"To answer your question/statement, 1, I know I did, but I should have just told the truth, and 2, Because I haven't found the right one yet, but I hope you'd be willing to change that," he replied, taking my cheek in his hand, which made my face flare up bright red, "What do you say, (Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?"

I blinked, confused at what was happening but nodded my head, "Y-yes!" Now if anyone had been passing by on the street they'd probably think that he'd just proposed to me by just my reaction, but no. I calmed down, "I-I mean, yes, o-of course I'd love to to be your girlfriend, Victor."

He smiled, "Does that mean I have permission to kiss you?"

"You had permission from the day I met you, I just didn't say anything!" I responded before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

---------------END OF ONESHOT

Well, that didn't take as long as I thought it would... I'll write today's one now... Haru-Chan here I come!

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