Day 8 - Chili

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Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: None

Warnings: None

Other notes: Striaton Law - You write a oneshot for one of them, you have to do all three (Tomorrow will be Cress)... Also, Reader-Chan be a child in this (like 7-8) - therefore this is platonic. Also, not for future Pokémon oneshots: I will be referring to Pokémon with the pronouns they are most common as unless it is specifically stated otherwise in either the anime or games (for example Chili's Pansear will be referred to as male as Pansears are most commonly male, and it's confirmed in game that Chili's is male)


"Tepig! Tepig Te!" I smiled as the Tepig snuggled into me, giving me heat. Now let me say this, the Tepig wasn't mine, he was my mum's but she didn't want him anymore so Tepig came to me. I smiled again, "Thank you, Tepig."

"Tepig!" he replied, proudly.

I soon fell asleep due to exhaustion and Tepig's warmth, not noticing the Pansear that had approached me and Tepig and had snuggled in with us.


"Pansear! Where are you?! Pansear, come on! The lunch rush is going to start soon! WHERE ARE Y-" I stopped my shouting when I noticed a small girl curled up by a tree in the park. I walked closer and saw, "Pansear, come here." However, he still wouldn't move and I sighed. I tried to reach out and pick him up but the girl wouldn't let go, and it seemed Pansear didn't mind, in fact he was quite content snuggled up with the girl. I was still confused about what the small girl was doing alone in the park with only a Tepig for company. It must have been a wild one because the girl didn't look any older that 7 or 8. As much as I didn't want to wake her up, I wanted answers in case she got lost or was abandoned, as much as I hated to think the second option was possible.

I shook the small girl gently and she woke up rubbing her eye, "Huh? What is it?"

"Hello there. I was just wondering what you were doing here all alone. Also, can I have my Pansear back?"

"Hm? Oh that's where you came from," she spoke looking at Pansear, "Go back to your trainer little Pansear." Pansear gave her a hug before climbing on my shoulder. I went to walk away, needing to get back to the restaurant, but the girl's voice stopped me, "About your first question. I was abandoned and then Tepig found me and wanted to keep my company." I didn't know what to do. I couldn't leave her here alone, but I needed to get back, "Pansear, on the ground." Pansear jumped off my shoulder and stood on the ground as I bent down in front of the girl, "Want to come back with me? My name's Chili. What's yours?"

"I-I'm (Y/n), and thank you!" I smiled and picked her up deciding to carry her back as she was completely exhausted. The minute I picked her up she fell asleep on my shoulder.


"Chili! What took you so long? We've been struggling with the lunch rush for the last 20 minutes!"

"Sorry, Cilan, but I foun-"

"Chili, where'd the girl come from?" Cress asked, walking over.

"I found her in the park while looking for Pansear. She'd been abandoned, and I'm going to take her of her now."


"Daddy!" (Y/n) squeaked, clinging onto my leg. Cilan walked over, picking (Y/n) up from the floor after removing her from my leg, "Come on (Y/n), your dad needs to battle."

"NO! Daddy!" she protested from his arms. I sighed, "Cilan, just let her sit here, she's not going to be happy otherwise."

Cilan nodded and put her down and she walked back over to me, sitting on the little plinth by the battlefield, "Daddy!" (Note from Author-Chan, if you're wondering why the challenger isn't asking about why Reader-Chan is calling him 'Daddy' it's cause Cilan and Cress explained it when they first arrived - PS le challenger be Ash)

I'd been so caught up in the battle that I'd failed to realise (Y/n) had moved from where she was sitting beside me, until the end, "Where's (Y/n) gone?"

"I don't know, but Pansage has gone too!"

"So's Panpour!"

"Hey, my Axew's gone too!"

"So's Pikachu!"

This was bad. (Y/n) and four Pokémon, that had all previously been in the room we're now gone. And so, we spent the next half hour looking for them, until I felt a tug on my leg from Pansear, "Pansear!"

"What is it? Did you find her?"

Pansear nodded and I let out a sigh of relief, "Where?" He walked off and I followed him to the restaurant area of the gym. Pansear kept walking to the back, where (Y/n) was lying on one of the comfy chairs, asleep with Iris' Axew on head, hugging Pikachu and Pansage and Panpour both leaning on her asleep. I smiled before picking (Y/n) up, waking the Pokémon up in the process. The four of them ran off to their respective owner and I followed, meeting up with the rest of them, "Found her asleep on a comfy chair. I'll go and put her in her bed."

-----------END OF ONESHOT

"Sorry this is shorter than the others.... But I wanted to get it done before I forgot.

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