Day 9 - Cress

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Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Cilan's best friend (Who has been visiting Jhoto for the last three years)

Reader's Home Region: Unova

Warnings: None

Other notes: Striaton Law... 3rd part... Then I'll do something different. Also, Cress may be OOC in this (cause I beat Pokémon Black ages ago, and we don't see much of him in the anime (of what I have rewatched so far)) Also, for this, you have Tepig and Purrloin (you can choose the other 4, but they're needed for the oneshot)



I sighed, "Cilantro, get off of me before I bring Purrloin out."

He immediately let go of me, "Please don't! I'm just happy to see you!"

"I know you are, you dork!"


"Chili, Cress, you remember (Y/n), right? Cause she's back!" I smiled at the other two triplets, "Hi."

"You remember what I said, don't you two?"

"Cilan, we know this, '(Y/n) is your best friend and she's completely off limits to both of us', right?"

I felt my face heat up a bit. If I was off limits to Cilan's brothers, then did that mean he had a crush on me? That would be bad if he did, cause I'd had a crush on Cress before I left, and although I hadn't seen him in like three years, I still did have feelings for him. Which led to what I did next: I located Cilan's phone while he was out in the restaurant and hacked into it (I'd known him for what felt like since birth - cause we were so close) as I knew his password, and went into his contacts, finding Cress' number and putting it in my phone, before putting Cilan's phone back where it was.


That night, when I got home, I sent Cress a message, "Hey, Cress, it's (Y/n). Can you meet me by the fountain at 10? I want to talk."

Within a minute, I got a reply, "Sure... but why?"

I giggled and rolled my eyes, this is what had made me fall in love with him in the first place; despite him being the calm and collected one of the three of them (Cilan being the loveable dork, and Chili being the hot headed spontaneous one), the way he dealt with things like this was just so adorable to me, "Cause I want to talk about something. Something personal, and don't take this the wrong way, but I'd rather not have Cilan or Chili there."

"Ohhh. Then yes, I can."

I smiled happily and put my phone away, before having a snooze.


"(Y/n), why did you want to talk to me in private?"

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and took a deep breath, "Because I wanted to confess something. Cress, I have a crush on you, in fact I have for a while, and being away, on my trip to Jhoto has only made my feelings stronger. I love you." The last sentence I whispered to myself, looking down at the ground and biting my lip. I waited nervously for a reply, but when I got silence in return, I looked up to see Cress standing there a dumbfounded look on his face and I sighed, "I knew it was a long shot that you'd like me back, but I-I just wanted to get it off of my chest." I stood up from my seat on the fountain and went to leave. However, I felt and hand grab my wrist and pull be back. I fell into Cress' chest with the height difference (if this isn't accurate with your height, just pretend.) and I heard him chuckling.

"I never said I didn't love you back, I was just thinking about how to explain to Cilan that we're dating when he told me and Chili that you were off limits to us," He spoke before taking my chin in his hand and leaning down, kissing me. My eyes widened and I wrapped my arms around his neck, returning his kiss.

"I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too.... My little Cressant."

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that!"

I smirked, "It's that or Cressy. What would you prefer?"


I smiled and snuggled into Cress. The two of us were on his bed in his room above the restaurant, snuggled up. We'd closed the door, to make sure that no one would see us, as we still hadn't told Cilan, or Chili for that matter, about the two of us dating and they were both downstairs in the restaurant, Cress being on his break.

"Cressy, you know I love you, right?"

"I know, and I love you too, (Y/n)."

I smiled and leaned up, kissing him. And it was that exact moment that Chili decided to slam the door open, "CRESS! You have a chal-Oh my. Wait... Cilan told us she was off limits! Why are you kissing her?!"

"Because, Chili-Bean, we're dating," I replied.

"OH COME ON! If Cilan hadn't told us she was off limits I would have confessed!"

I giggled and rolled my eyes, "Chili-Bean, come here." He walked closer and I leaned up, pecking his forehead, "There. Don't tell Cilan though, will you? Please? Cause grass is at an advantage to water and I don't want Cressy to be hurt."

Before Chili could reply, there was another voice, "'Don't tell Cilan' what?" I froze, immediately recognising the voice to be Cilan's, seriously, who else would it have been? And I immediately stood up as if I hadn't just been snuggled up on Cress' bed with him, binge watching Yuri!!! On Ice... (Or your favourite anime) with him.

"Cilantro! Hello! We were talking about the fact that Chili-Bean here has told Pansear to go and kidnap Pansage..."

Chili looked at me, fear evident on his face before dashing out of the room.

"So that's where Pansage is. CHILI! Get back here!" Cilan shouted before dashing out after Chili. I smiled and snuggled back into Cress. Pansage coming out from under the bed and snuggling into me, Cress' Panpour doing the same thing.

"Thank you, I know he'd have metaphorically killed me if he found out," Cress spoke before leaning and kissing me, something which I happily returned.

"(Y/N)! YOU LIED TO ME!" I broke off immediately to see Cilan standing at the door, his face putting Chili's hair to shame, "You told me Chili had Pansage, when he was here with you the whole time!"

I smirked, "What can I say? Pansage obviously prefers me t-"

"Wait a minute... Why are you snuggling with my brother?!"

I froze and bit my lip, not wanting to tell him because I knew it would be Cress that would get the Solar Beam from Pansage, not me. I felt a pat on my shoulder, "You got Tepig? I may need you to save me from what I'm about to do." I nodded and I heard Cress take a deep breath, "Cilan, don't freak out, but me and (Y/n) are dating." Now I know why he wanted me to have Tepig at the ready.... Cilan's face was one of shock, "W-what? Pansage, come here."

Instead of listening to his trainer, Pansage continued to snuggle into me. I chuckled, "Well, Cilantro, it seems that even Pansage agrees that you can't tell people who they can or can't date."

"Pan-sage!" Pansage chimed in, agreeing with me. Cilan sighed, "Fine. Cress, you hurt my best friend, I will not hesitate to get Pansage to use Bullet Seed on you."

I smiled and hugged him, "Thank you, Cilantro. Now, who's up for an anime marathon?!"

-----------------------END OF ONESHOT

Striaton Law! You do one, you do all three... Please do request ones for this though. I am now out of ideas for this year... please help me.

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