So... Again, it is odd that I'm updating this in not December, but I need help from you guys. In order for me to get a oneshot out every day for FandomMas, then I need ideas. The google doc I have linked in my most recent announcement (and on my profile - in bio too) has the plan and the list of characters I plan to do each day. If you have any Christmas-related oneshot ideas, please put them on there under the character they are for, if you have an idea for a oneshot for a character that I don't plan to do for FandomMas this year, there is a section that I have under the 25 days where you can put the idea, as long as you state which character it is for, and if you want credit for it, put your Wattpad username too. This is so that if I don't get/think of plots for all 25 days before the 1st of December, I can change the days I don't have ideas for to the extra oneshots. Please do help me though... As to avoid any spoilers with these, any ideas I get given or think of, I will move to my OneNote where I am going to write them all in advance before December, and put on the Google Doc (IDEA RECEIVED) so you guys know that I have an idea that character already.

25 Days for Fandom-masWhere stories live. Discover now