Day 7 - Kazuha

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Idea Credit: Me

Fandom: Genshin

Reader's Relations: Kazuha's girlfriend, but no one knows

Warnings: None

Other Notes: Don't ask how this came to my head. Also, I do not have Kazuha, so he may be incredibly out of character, and I apologise for that in advance. Also, this is College AU


I paced back and forth in the dorm room I shared with Yoimiya, waiting for Kazuha. He needed to know he was going to be a dad before we broke off for Christmas break. Soon I heard a knock on the door and sighed in relief going to open it and pulling Kazuha straight in, closing the door.

"(Y/n) what did you want to talk about that it had to be in here in the middle of the day? You sure Yoimiya's not going to come back?"

I shook my head, going to sit on the sofa and patting the spot next to me, "I'm sure she's not here. She went out with Ayaka to do something. She said she wouldn't be back until like 3 so, we're fine. But, so back to what I wanted to tell you," I paused and took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant." Instead of saying anything, he pulled me into his lap and kissed me. We ended up just sitting there for a while, me curled up on Kazuha's lap, smiling with little kisses every so often. Soon, we lost track of time and only came back to reality when we heard the sound of something falling. I jolted off Kazuha and turned around to see Ayaka and Yoimiya standing in the doorway, shopping bags having dropped on the floor, some of their contents fallen out. My eyes widened but before I could say anything, Yoimiya had run up and hugged me, "Does this mean I'm going to be an aunt?" I took a deep breath and nodded, "Y-yes. You are." She released me and her face turned grumpy, "Why didn't you tell me you were dating?" I sighed and bit my lip, "Well, I was going to tell you.. But, I was just waiting for the right time."

"Eh, either way. I'm happy for you." She then turned to Kazuha, grabbing his collar, "You better not hurt her." I rolled my eyes and pried her off, "Yoimiya, please! Get off my boyfriend!" She finally did and Kazuha wrapped his arms around me, "I love you, (Y/n)."

"Heh, Love you too, Kazuha."


So this was supposed to be for Ayato.... But I decided to change it for Kazuha instead cause why not? Sorry its short I wanted to get something written

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