Day 5 - Apollo

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Timing: After SoJ

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Age: 24

Reader's Occupation: Defence Attorney

Reader's Relations: Friends with Apollo since he came to the US

Warnings: Fluffy Polly

Other notes: And... We're back to AA.... Thanks to my friend for giving me the plot idea for this, also sorry it's a day late...

-------------------------24th December

I sighed and flopped onto the sofa, I'd just finished another case. The third one that week, and die to this business, I hadn't been able to spend much time with my boyfriend, which I was sad about. I loved spending time with Apollo, but it was hard with both of us being the only two Defence Attorneys in Khura'in, as it meant we had a lot, and I mean a lot of cases.

I had nearly fallen asleep, due to it being like 8pm, as the trial I had been defending in had gone on for ages, when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Hey, (Y/n)."

"Polly!" I smiled, standing up and hugging him, "How was the trial?"

"It's going to carry on till tomorrow."

I sighed, "O-oh." I was sad to hear that because the next day was Christmas Day. I had hoped that we'd be able to spend it together but apparently not, "Does the court know what tomorrow is?"

"Khura'in holidays are different. Christmas isn't celebrated the same here."

"Can I at least have a hug? If I can't spend tomorrow with you."

"Of course," he replied giving me a hug before pushing me down on the sofa before snuggling into me. I smiled and snuggled into him again.



I groaned, "Polly? Why are you awake at 3 am?" I asked him after looking at my phone for the time.

"I was just thinking, want to go out?"

"Like now? Polly it's 3 am. I know you're used to waking up early, but I need my sleep."

"The trial starts at 10, so we have time."

I sighed, "Fine. I will be sleeping when we get back."


"This is nice. Khura'in looks so beautiful in the dark."

"I can think of something more beautiful."

I chuckled, "What?"

"I'll answer that question later. Come on." He grabbed my hand and dragged me off somewhere. I didn't know where he was taking me as I hadn't been in Khura'in for that long. He eventually stopped at the the top of a hill and let my hand go. I noticed him, even in the dark and cold, take a deep breath, "(Y/n), I-I love you so so so much. And I know we haven't been dating for that long, but I want to ask you something. Will you do the honour of marrying me?" He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring from his pocket. I smiled widely and nodded, "YESS!" He stood up and placed the ring on my finger. I pounced on him, knocking him over onto the grass and snuggled up to him, "Best Christmas ever." I soon feel asleep right on top of him.


"(Y/n)? (Y/n) wake up."

I rubbed my eyes and woke up, "Huh? What?"

"I have to go."

"Aww, but why?"

"I have to go to the trial, come on." I pouted before smirking, "Then carry me back home." He sighed and picked me up, "Fine." I smiled and snuggled back into him, falling back asleep.

-----------------END OF ONESHOT

Finally got it done. Today's will be out soon. 

25 Days for Fandom-masजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें