Day 10 - Chili (Part 2)

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Other notes: This is part 2 of the Chili one I did before - but it's mainly all three of them, cause I thought of this yesterday and I thought it would be cute so I wanted to write it as a part 2 - Also because I didn't have another idea for today. I will do something that isn't Pokémon tomorrow if I can think of an idea...... Please help me... - also the pic above is used in le oneshot later

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Chili's adopted daughter

Reader's Home Region: Unova

Warnings: None, except mass cuteness


"Uncwe Ciwan."

"Hm? Oh, (Y/n), what did you need?" he asked, bending down to my level.

"I don't think Daddy's feewing too good. He's wying in bed and sneezing a wot."

"I see. (Y/n), you go and find your other uncle and I'll see to your father, okay?" I nodded and walked off, on a search for Uncle Cress. I soon found him in the kitchen with Panpour washing some dishes.

"Uncwe Cwess!" He turned around and spotted me, "Hello, (Y/n). Where's Chili?"

"Oh, Daddy doesn't feel too good so Uncwe Ciwan and looking after him. Can I have a hug?" He nodded and bent down giving me a hug. I smiled and thanked him, "Um, Uncwe Cwess, can I help out today? In Daddy's place?"

"Um, (Y/n), I don't think that's a good idea."

"Aww, but I want to help!" I replied, giving him my best Lilipup eyes and he looked for a minute before sighing, "Okay." I smiled and hugged him again, "Thank you!" I then ran off back upstairs and put my little waitress outfit on that Daddy had got me (Pic above - you can change the colour of the bow(tie) if you want), before walking back down to the restaurant and to where both Uncle Cress and Uncle Cilan were standing, "Ready!"

They turned around and looked down at me, Uncle Cilan being the first to speak, "(Y/n)! You look so cute! Oh yes, you do!" I giggled, "Thank you! Now I look just like you and Daddy!"


I had just come back into the restaurant, after having brought some plates into the kitchen to be washed, Pansear walking beside me as he didn't want to get Daddy's cold either, to see both Uncle Cress and Uncle Cilan talking to a girl with a Snivy in her arms. (Note from Author-Chan, the challenger isn't a 10-year-old, she's an adult who just hasn't challenged any gyms yet)

"What are we going to do? Chili needs rest, we can't make him battle with the state he's in at the moment!"

"Well, we can't turn away a challenger!"

Before they could continue, Pansear had jumped out of my arms and walked to Uncle Cilan, tapping his leg, alerting him, "Huh? Pansear? What is it?"

Pansear just turned and pointed to me, freaking me out slightly, "Pansear!"

"Pansear, are you saying (Y/n) should battle the challenger in Chili's place?" Pansear nodded and pushed me closer to the group. I shook my head frantically, "No! I don't even know how Pokémon battles work, you can't expect me to battle a challenger!" Uncle Cilan smiled and bent down to my level, "(Y/n), you can do this. You know how fire types work because of Tepig, and there's no one else we'd trust this battle to. Now, what do you say?"

I was still nervous, "No, still don't want to!"


I remained silent. I hadn't thought that far ahead, "Oh! Because Pansear is Daddy's Pokémon, not mine. Therefore, Pansear probably won't listen to me, I'll end up losing the battle."

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