Day 16 - Professor Sycamore

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Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: None (except you be Sycamore's adopted daughter)

Reader's Age: 3-4

Reader's Home Region: Kalos

Warnings: None (Except Sad Reader-Chan at some point)

Other notes: I'M SORRY!! AGAIN IT'S A POKÉMON ONESHOT..... This may as well be the 25 days of PokéChristmas at this point..... Hhhh



That's what had happened to me. My father had told my mother that if she didn't get rid of me the minute she could (Which happened to be when I was 2 years old), then he'd leave her, and apparently, my mother's love for my father was stronger than that of the child she carried around in her stomach for nine months. Which left me out in the cold during winter with nothing but a thin blanket to keep my company. That was until a small yellow creature came and snuggled into me, warming me up, "Fenn!" I smile and hugged the small fox-like creature and soon fell asleep again.

I was woken up when I felt someone shaking me, "Hello, little one." I just looked up at the person who had found me and sneezed from the cold. She gasped, "You poor thing. Come on, I'll take you to the Professor's lab, we'll get you warmed up there." I smiled and nodded in my two year old glory and she bent down, picking me up. I smiled and snuggled into her, feeling safe and liking the attention I got, that I had been deprived of from my father and partly my mother too.


I was woken up from my sleep by a shout, "Professor Sycamore! Are you still here?!" I yawned and rubbed my eyes from tiredness as a man, who I guessed was this 'Professor Sycamore' guy the lady who was holding me had called for, "Sophie? What is- Where did the child come from?!"

"Fennekin found her lying wrapped in a blanket near the lab."


I giggled and motioned to be put on the floor. Once I was placed there, I tried to make my way over to Fennekin, as I guessed the creature who had snuggled into me was called, but I soon fell over. Even though I was already two, I didn't know how to walk, or even crawl, or talk for that matter, due to being left in a box with nothing but a blanked since I was born pretty much. Upon noticing me, Fennekin walked over and nuzzled me, "Fenn!" I smiled and hugged it, softly, not wanting to hurt the Pokémon. Fennekin stood there and nuzzled me again, "Fenn."

"I think Fennekin's trying to teach you how to crawl, little one."

I blinked a few times before getting on my hands and knees. I smiled and Fennekin placed one paw in front of the other and I copied, then the opposite back paw, me copying again, then the other.. You get the idea, Fennekin taught me how to crawl. I smiled and hugged Fennekin, nuzzling into it, like it had done to me.

"Do you mind telling me your name, little one?" The guy in the lab coat asked me, bending down to my level. I just looked at him blankly, not just because I didn't know how to talk, but because I wasn't actually sure what my name was. Since I'd been born, my father had just referred to me as 'brat', although I wasn't sure what it meant, and my mother had just called me 'Sweetie'.

"Do you know your name/Do you even have a name?" I shook my head as a sign of no and he sighed, "How about (Y/n)? Do you like that?" I nodded, a big smile on my face and he picked me up, "You'll be safe here don't worry." I smiled and leaned into his chest, before starting to suck my thumb.

"Hold on, I'll get you some proper food. You're probably hungry, right?" I nodded and removed my thumb from my mouth. I was placed back on the floor and I crawled over to Fennekin again, the small fox Pokémon nuzzling into me again when I got over to it. A few minutes the guy came back, with a bowl in his hand.

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