Day 14 - Professor Sycamore

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Prompt: None, unless watching X and Y counts as inspiration/prompt

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: You're married to Sycamore in this

Reader's Home Region: Kalos

Warnings: None/Slight spoilers for the X and Y anime

Other notes: SORRY!!!! I know I said I'd stop the Pokémon ones, but I thought of this while rewatching X and Y so I wanted to write it... Also, I know that the Garchomp in the Pokémon Lab belongs to Sycamore, but for the purpose of this oneshot, specifically one of the scenes/parts, Garchomp is yours


I had been walking around the Pokémon Lab, checking up on all the Pokémon and feeding them, when I heard a shout, "Professor Sycamore, are you here?!" I knew that Augustine would be busy with his research, so I dashed out to where I heard the shout coming from, to see a young boy wearing a hat and a young girl with blonde hair. I then saw the Froakie in the boy's arms.

"Froakie, we've been so worried about you," I spoke running over and taking the Froakie from the boy, "Don't worry, we'll take care of Froakie, thank you for bringing it here." However, before I could run off to get Froakie the help it needed, the small girl had approached me, "You're a keeper! Please take care of my brother for me!" I felt my cheeks go pink a bit but I bent down to her level, "I'm sure your brother is a very nice person, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline your offer, you see, I'm already married, but I can defer you to my daughter, Holly. She's 14 and in my opinion needs a boyfriend, I'll find her later for you and you can introduce your brother to her, I'm sure they'll hit it off and you'll have someone to 'take care' of your brother."


With the shout from Holly I immediately dashed off, carrying Froakie, so that I wouldn't have to deal with an embarrassed teenage daughter...


"Ash, is Froakie going to be okay?"

"I'm sure it will, Bonnie. Don't worry, Froakie's in the hands of someone who knows how to deal with this sort of thing."

"I'm glad! I just want Froakie to be okay."

It was then that the door opened again, to reveal a very out of breath Clemont. Bonnie was immediately on him, "Clemont! You are so slow!"

Before he could reply, another voice was heard, "Can I help you three?"

"Oh, we were just waiting. We found a Froakie who after helping us scare off Team Rocket, got extremely hurt. We brought it here and we're waiting to see if it'll be okay."

The man in the lab coat chuckled a bit, before asking, "Where's Froakie now?"

Bonnie piped up, "Oh, a lady came and took Froakie off. She was really pretty. (Height) with (H/l) (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes. She was also wearing a necklace thingy around her neck!"

The guy thought for a moment before chuckling, "I see you met my wife then." After seeing our confused faces, he continued, "Right, I'm Professor Sycamore, and the woman who would have taken Froakie would have been my wife, (Y/n). She's the one that takes care of injured Pokémon if they come here."

------------YOUR POV

I gasped as we watched the scene play out in front of us: Ash was on top of Prism Tower with Garchomp. I took a deep breath and took out a Pokéball, "Talonflame, come help me!" Talonflame soon appeared from the Pokéball and I smiled, putting the Pokéball back in my pocket. I then turned to Talonflame, "I need you to fly me up there. Can you do that?" Talonflame nodded and I smiled, getting ready to climb up onto his back, however, I felt a hand on my shoulder, "(Y/n), amore, what are you doing?"

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