Day 6 - Franziska

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Prompt: Given to me by my friend on Discord (Thanks Pearls)

Timing: After SoJ

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Age: 27

Reader's Occupation: Detective (That has been on some of Phoenix's cases)

Reader's Relations: Simon's Sister (just cause I wanna)

Warnings: Drunk Reader-Chan (dk if that needs to be a warning but it is)

Other Notes: just context (cause I don't wanna write it out in the actual oneshot (cause it's like 9pm rn and I is sleepy)), that Reader-Chan and the agency (and some of the prosecutors) be celebrating Christmas together. Also, note to let friendo who gave me the idea: I have changed some of this (like the only thing I really kept was the drunken confession bit) - sorry...


Celebrating Christmas with your friends. Fun times. Especially when the alcohol comes out. However much my brother had tried to keep me away from it, I still managed to get drunk.... Somehow.

"Hehe, come on Simey... let me have more!"

He sighed, "No, (Y/n), you've had enough. I know I'm going to the one that will have to deal with you tomorrow."

I pouted, "Fine, I'll go and find someone else to have fun with," I replied before walking off the pout still on my face. It was this point when I bumped into Franziska. Thankfully for me, she was drunk too, so I didn't get a whip to the face, "Hey Fran. Can I tell you something? I like *hic* really love you."


The next day I had a massive headache, which meant I ended up lying on the sofa in my brother's office (Simon himself prosecuting a case), with Sebastian looking after me.

"How are you feeling, (Y/n)?"

"Like a piece of crap. Sebby, do you know anything I said yesterday?" He froze slightly, "Well, you told Miss Von Karma about your crush on her."

I felt my face go bright red and I groaned, "You don't happen to know what she said in return do you?"

"I-I'm not sure. Kay's the one looking after her both of you got pretty drunk yesterday."

I groaned again and he chuckled, "You should really just tell her again. Both me and Kay, and you brother for that matter, know you both like each other. Not even friends look at each other the way that you two do. You're both clearly in love with each other, I know it wasn't your drunkenness telling her that last night, it's clearly evident in the smiles on your faces when you see each other."

"Sebby, stop please. There's no way she likes me back-."

Before I could say anything else, he'd pulled me up and dragged me out of my brother's office, straight to Franziska's where I guessed Kay was looking after her, but before we got too far I heard my name being called, "(Y/n)? What are you doing with DeBeste-Dono?" (probably not the right term Simey would use for Sebby, but ehh I can't be bothered looking it up)

"Simon! How'd the trial go?"

"It's being carried on until tomorrow, now answer my question."

"Who's the defence?"

"(Y/n), I know you're trying to change the subject. Let me guess you were just in my office, lying on the sofa because you were still nursing a hangover after yesterday and he was helping you?" I just looked at him blankly and blinked, "How....?"

"So I'm right. I told you not to drink too much."

"But Simon, it was Christmas Day! You're supposed to have fun. Now you go find your boyfriend and have snuggles. I know you like cuddles, Simon, you big softie!"

He sighed, "(Y/n), I do not have a boyfriend."

"Oh really? I guess I should just text Prosecutor Sahdmadhi and ask him myself. Should I? Or are you going to tell me yourself?" He sighed, "Just don't touch alcohol again." before walking off. I smirked knowing I was right.


"-So, what do you say?" I asked, fiddling with my hands and looking down at the floor. She lifted my face up with her hand on my chin, "I say, I feel the same." I smiled, "R-really?"

"Does this answer your question, you fool?" she asked before leaning in and kissing me. I froze but still kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her neck, "I love you, Fran. This time, I'm not drunk when I say that."


GUYS! I have ideas for tomorrow and Wednesday (: yay. For Once I think of them ahead of time

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