Day 1 - Professor Sycamore

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Idea Credit: Thanks Ita for the prompt!

Fandom: Pokémon

Prompt: "So, you've never been kissed under mistletoe?" "Actually, I've never been kissed at all"

Reader's Relations: Cosette's sister

Warnings: None that I can think of

Other Notes: You work at the lab btw


"So... (Y/n) truth or dare?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "I'm not playing this game you two. I have work to do and I'm sure you two do as well."

Both Sophie and Cosette just pouted, "Come on, (Y/n). Lighten up! Just one round?"


"Then may I ask you a question?" Sophie asked, hopping around so she was in front of me.

"You just did so there's your question," I replied, turning around and immediately bumping into something, or should I say someone, "Goodness, I'm sorry Gabby, I didn't see you there." Gabby just nuzzled into me, exclaiming happily, which I knew meant she forgave me, causing me to smile and rub her muzzle before walking around her and back to work.


A few minutes later, I was tapped on the shoulder, "So... (Y/n), you ever been kissed under mistletoe? It's like the best part about Christmas parties!" I rolled my eyes and stood up to face Sohpie, the Skiddo I had been feeding now standing at my feet watching the scene. I took a deep breath to calm myself and spoke, "Actually, Sohpie, just to get you two to be quiet about it, I've never been kissed before." Her mouth dropped open, "WHAT?! But how, you're so pretty, (Y/n)! How come you've never been kissed?! I know that if I was a guy I'd certainly want to kiss you!"

"It's the truth. Why would I lie to you? I've just never had a boyfriend or anything. Never even had a crush."

Sophie just deadpanned, "Now that one's a lie, (Y/n). I know that for a fact. Cosette told me how she's heard you ranting about how much you love the professor and how much you want him to be your boyfriend, and all that stuff." That was when my face turned pink, but I tried to cover It up, "Well, Cosette clearly doesn't know what she's talking about then, because I never said anything of the sort."


"(Y/n), can you come here, please? I want to take a picture of you 'cause you look so pretty today!" I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless at Sophie, walking over to her, "Sure." I was surprised when I saw the professor standing next to her too.

"(Y/n), I have to say, you look absolutely wonderful today."

I smiled, feeling a massive blush erupting on my cheeks, "T-thank you, Professor."

"Right, photo time! (Y/n), you stand here," Sophie took me by the shoulders and placed me on the left side of the doorway, before turning to the professor, asking him to stand next to me. Before taking her phone out to take a picture. Once it was taken she let us go, and I smiled up at the professor before my face went bright red.

"(Y/n)? Are you feeling all right?" Professor Sycamore asked, going to place a hand on my forehead, before I stopped him, "No!" I squeaked, grabbing his wrist, "I-I'm fine! Seriously!"

"Then why is your face red? Also, please may I have my arm back?"

If my face wasn't already bright red, then it was now and I immediately let go of his wrist, apologising profusely, "Sorry! I am so sorry Professor! I-it's just... look up..." He did so and I noticed a small dash of pink dusting his cheeks before he looked back at me, "Well, I guess we have to honour tradition, right, (Y/n)?"

I nodded shyly and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear (if your hair isn't long enough for this, then just ignore this point) as I felt him place a hand on my cheek, leaning in and kissing me. When he broke off, both our faces were bright red and I whispered, "That was actually my first kiss."

Professor Sycamore just blinked in surprise, removing his hand from my cheek, "Really? I feel bad now, your fist kiss should be with someone you truly care about and love."

I took a deep breath and mustered up all the courage in me, "To be honest, it was though."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Depends on what you think I'm saying, Professor."

"Are you in love with me, (Y/n)?" he whispered directly into my ear. I slowly nodded, embarrassed that I had to admit it to his face when I knew it wouldn't happen. However, instead of him being utterly disgusted and backing away, he placed his hand back on my cheek and spoke, "Then in that case, may I kiss you again?" My face went bright red, if it wasn't already and I grabbed the collar of his lab coat, kissing him. I felt his hand leave my cheek, settling on my waist and I moved my hands so my arms were wrapped around his neck.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/n)," he spoke after we broke off, his arms still wrapped around my waist. I smiled, "Merry Christmas to you too, Professor," I replied, my arms still around his neck.

"Call me Augustine, (Y/n)."

I giggled, "Then in that case, Merry Christmas Augustine," I smiled, leaning up and leaving a quick peck on his lips. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Sophie and Cosette smirking and giving me thumbs up. I smiled  and mouthed a 'Thank you' to both of them, as if they hadn't set this up, which I guessed they had, then I would probably never have had the courage to confess my feelings for the professor.


Hehe. Day 1 done!

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