Day 16 - Denmark

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Idea thought of by: peachmiilkk


"(Y/n)! Please come! Christmas won't be the same without you!" Matthias shouted over the phone to me, "Please?!"

I sighed, "Fine, Mattias, I'll come."

"Great! Thanks, (Y/n)!"

I hung up, not saying anything else and packed my overnight bag, including my phone, laptop, chargers for both, headphones, as well as my special Christmas pyjamas, bathroom essentials and clothes for the next day. As usual, when I was invited over to the Nordic household for Christmas, I would arrive on Christmas Eve and stay the night there, usually with Matthias giving up his bed for me and him sleeping on the sofa, and then spend the whole of Christmas day with them, doing lots of Christmassy activities.

By the time I'd finished packing, it was four in the afternoon, Right, time to leave. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs, putting my shoes on and walking out the door, making sure to lock it securely behind me.


I soon arrived at the Nordics' house and knocked on the door. As usual, it was Matthias who opened the door, and again, as usual, he literally glomped me upon opening said door, "(Y/n)! You're here!"

I nodded, "Yeah, I am, Merry Christmas, Matthias."

"Merry Christmas to you too, (Y/n)!"

"Can you let me go now? I can't breathe!"

He nodded and let me go. I caught my breath before taking off my shoes. I walked around the house, locating the rest of the Nordics. Tino was in the kitchen, baking some Christmas cookies. Berwald was sitting in the living room, reading a book. Lukas was also in the living room, for once, not pestering Emil to call him 'Big Brother', instead opting to stare into space, occasionally looking down at the book in his hands. Finally, Emil was in his room, nibbling on some liquorice.

"Emil? You good?"

"Hello, (Y/n) and yes, I'm great. Just eating some liquorice. Do you want some?"

"Of course, I would!" I squealed (Sorry if you don't like it - I don't actually myself) I walked over to his bed where he was sitting and he held out a piece to me. I took it and wolfed it down as Alfred does with burgers, "Thanks, Emil!"


We ended up watching a Christmas film that was on the TV. Peter was curled up on Tino's lap, who was curled up on Berwald's lap on one of the chairs. Emil was sitting on the floor, again, as usual, eating liquorice, although, this time it was red liquorice. Lukas was sitting on the other chair, looking at the television with his normal expressionless face. Which left me and Matthias on the sofa. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. I'd had a crush on him for a while and thankfully, no one knew. If they did, then they'd probably tell Matthias, which would ruin our friendship, cause there's no way he'd feel the same. Anyway, I soon felt him wrap his arm around my shoulder, making my face heat up in a fierce blush.

One by one, the rest of the Nordics fell asleep, leaving me and Matthias awake. He spoke up when he noticed this, "Hey, (Y/n)?"


"Do you wanna take a walk? I have a feeling that we'll be alone for a while."

"I'd love that," I replied standing up from the sofa. He stood up as well and we walked to the front door, putting out shoes on. We walked out the door, locking it behind us, not knowing how long the others would be asleep for. We walked to the local park which was, as expected, deserted.


We both soon started to get cold so we walked back to the Nordics' house where the door was open. Neither of us paid attention to it until I noticed something on the door frame, "Matthias, look up."

He looked up and noticed what I had: the mistletoe. He then turned back to me and grabbed my waist, pulling me into him and kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back, not wanting to waste the opportunity. We soon had to break due to the lack of oxygen.

"(Y/n), I love you. I have for a while."

I smiled and leaned up, kissing him again, "I love you too, Matthias." His smile increased, "(Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled more, "I'd love that."

"Best Christmas present ever."

"What is?" I asked. Instead of replying, he kissed me again, "You."


Again, thank you to @peachmiilkk for the idea. I really like how this one turned out! It's fluffy and I like fluff.

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